Ectopic Pregnancy Personal Story
How does one move on from here? While her story is unique, there are so many pieces that are not. The fear. The pain. The loss of control. Powerlessness. Feeling that your body betrayed you. The unknown.
Elisheva Levitt’s Personal Surrogacy Story
I will be honest and say that it took me a long time to be able to share my story without falling apart. But once I was able to, I have shared it so many times because I find that it gives people hope.
Secondary Infertility and Age
This poster wishes to remain anonymous, but I’ve had many conversations with her about trying to reconcile the despair of trying (and failing) to get pregnant with another child.
About Triggers
Like a slap in the face, these emotional triggers wake us up to reality and to the unhealed parts of ourselves which we have tried so hard to ignore.
Sharing Your Story
Some people are oversharers. They tell you every detail of their lives, to the point where it’s kinda embarrassing. Others are fiercely private, not sharing even commonplace thoughts and ideas.
National Infertility Awareness Week
Reflections on National Infertility Awareness Week. “You crept up this year. I wasn't ready for you. I'm not ready for you. And I'm not entirely sure why.”
“This Covid Thing Sucks”
I’ve been been getting a lot of messages lately from those of you with pregnancy anxiety, and how it’s compounded by the fact that you can’t have anyone with you at your doctor visits.
Secondary Infertility and Age Gaps
. It’s been “easy” (😕) to deal with your situation, but to have your aloneness on display, while watching everyone else parade with their families has been a big adjustment.
Mother’s Day Necklace
“My necklace” An submission for mother’s day by a woman with her reflection of being a mother even without holding a baby and acknowledging all the work it took to get her to where she is.
What You Wish You Could Respond to “Are You Pregnant?”
How many times have you wanted to give *that* person a snippy remark after they made you feel bad, but you just couldn’t think of one at the time? Here’s the post for you.
Purim Survival Guide
Tap through to read lots of really great practical tips here about how to make the holiday of Purim easier for anyone in this community when the 4 mitzvot of Purim bring up difficult and triggering feelings
Fear of Being Included
Whether you are pushing yourself to attend this something or whether you're staying in to avoid all the negative feelings that come when you do show up, we see you.
How has IWSTHAB Affected You?
We asked the IWSTHAB community: How has IWSTHAB affected you? Here are their responses. Success for us is holding space for the people who are crumbling.
Not Everything Happens For A Reason
Not everything happens for a reason. Some things happen, and they are horrible and awful. You could spend your life searching for a reason — you’ll never find it.
The Stranger Who Sees You Clearly
“I’m not sure what you were holding onto, but it was clear that it was upsetting you — for when I looked over, a few quiet tears were running down your face.”
Body Image & Infertility
There are many different ways our relationship with our body changes because of all that we go through to grow our family. It’s normal to struggle with the changes your body goes through along the way.
Stop Commenting on People’s Body
Bodies change during pregnancy, thats’s normal! But it’s not normal to ask someone if they are pregnant because their body has changed. Please, let’s just stop.
6 Responses to People Winking At Stomach
Whatever you decide, just know that it's possible to educate people on the right questions to ask without divulging any of your stuff. Call them out and remind them to be more circumspect next time.
Navigating Bad Body Image Days
Bad body image days can be tough, so save this list for when you’re unsure how to navigate a not-so-good body image day. Some Dos and Donts for a bad body image day.
Doctors & Body Image
Whether it’s for fertility reasons or other health issues, the words of medical professionals carry extra weight. Thank you to this follower for sharing her story about her health at every size.