From A Man’s Perspective
The Silence of Infertility- From A Man’s Perspective
Things That Are Irrational About Infertility
he most irrational, frustrating, devastating thing 😤💔
Thoughts from the IWSTHAB Community
Some thoughts from the IWSTHAB community. Thank you to these followers for being SO. REAL. 🫂🫂🫂
The Grief of Infertility
The Grief of Infertility
144. My Infertility Story: Lessons from Chana and Penina with Tee Simpser
Tee Simpser joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her 6 years of primary infertility, heartbreaking disappointments, life-threatening complications and all kinds of insensitive comments and how she saw herself in the Chana/Penina story from the Book of Shmuel (book of Samuel), as she longed to be a mother, while watching everyone else around her get pregnant.
143. Busting Myths Around Treatment Options Before, During and After Pregnancy with Esther Rollhaus, MD
Esther Rollhaus, MD, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about all aspects of reproductive psychiatry, the reasons why someone would reach out, how meds are used as an adjunct to therapy, and myths about medication.
142. Infertility, Trauma, Grief, Addiction, and Endometriosis with Rachel Daar Cohen
Rachel Daar Cohen joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about a powerful, raw, and deeply emotional story of resilience after a tremendous amount of struggle, her struggle with infertility, trauma, grief, addiction, and endometriosis and how kindness is so important as we never know what people are really going through.
145. Exploring the Emotions of the Struggle to Have A Baby with Aliza Tropper, LMHC
Aliza Tropper, LMHC, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the emotions that come up during the quest to build a family, the guilt, shame, sadness, anxiety, inadequacy, etc., and how they manifest, and suggestions on how to make these deep feelings more manageable, like self-soothing, mini-breaks, reaching out for support and even medication if things become too overwhelming.
137. Why Infertility Is So Isolating with Rabbi Elchanan Poupko
Rabbi Elchanan Poupko joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his recent piece about the insensitivity in the orthodox community to people who are struggling to have a child, his personal story of infertility and the pain he and his wife carried for all those years, and how their infertility challenges made him a passionate voice for those who are still in the trenches.
141. Pain Doesn’t End…or Does it? with Chavie Bruk
Chavie Bruk joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about pain and the way it changes over time, her and her husband's permanent infertility, adopting 5 children at different ages and her grieving the loss of a biological child.
Struggling With Personal Fertility Journey as an OBGYN
“The job of delivering healthy children to beaming parents all the while doing the herculean task of squashing your own bleeding internal wounds.”
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
“Every baby I deliver with my enthusiastic and charismatic smile and congratulations is a drip in the bucket. Every patient I see in the office, every heart beat I elicit with the doppler, every ultrasound I perform”
Dear Infertility
Dear Infertility, You never even bothered to announce your presence. One day I just turned around and realized there you were. And you were everywhere!
Our Primary Infertility Story
“We started our fertility journey dreaming and wondering what it would be like to have a family, to have little ones bouncing around, so we started to make that dream happen.”
How has IWSTHAB Affected You?
We asked the IWSTHAB community: How has IWSTHAB affected you? Here are their responses. Success for us is holding space for the people who are crumbling.
The Stranger Who Sees You Clearly
“I’m not sure what you were holding onto, but it was clear that it was upsetting you — for when I looked over, a few quiet tears were running down your face.”
A Negative Pregnancy Test Is Not Your Fault
Reasons you got anegative pregnancy test this cycle: None of these are true. No matter what anyone says- it’s not your fault. A negative pregnancy test is not your fault.
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
“We’ve tried different protocols, tried doing some natural remedies, tried over 4 clinics. It’s been 10 IVF retrievals so far. We spent thousands of dollars. And my daughter is still our only child.”
All Infertility Is Hard
Holding space for this anonymous follower and all of you who feel like you’re not worthy to be in this community. You don’t know if you have a place.
IUI Is Hard
Almost all infertility stories talk about the difficulty of IVF. But what about IUI (intrauterine insemination)? Here a woman writes about her feelings going through multiple rounds of IUI. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀