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Aimee Baron Aimee Baron

160. Finding Calm in the Chaos with Dr. Aliza Ancier

Dr. Aliza Ancier joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about mindfulness, how this technique can ground people during times of stress or anxiety (hello fertility journey), how she personally found it helpful after her loss stillbirth, and some practical suggestions on how to incorporate pieces of it into your own life.

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Aimee Baron Aimee Baron

159. Speaking the Unspoken - A TFMR Story with Rachel Polans, MS, CGC

Rachel Polans, MS, CGC joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her years helping others navigate the complexities of genetic disorders, her life as a woman facing infertility, longing for the moment she’d finally carry a child, and her journey through her very-wanted pregnancy, and the ultimate decision to terminate for medical reasons (TFMR).

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Aimee Baron Aimee Baron

158. A Decision I Never Imagined: An Anonymous TFMR Story

An anonymous guest joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the agonizing journey of facing a devastating diagnosis, weeks of uncertainty, and the unbearable weight of an unthinkable decision and a glimpse into the realities of TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons) in the frum community.

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Genetics Aimee Baron Genetics Aimee Baron

157. Introduction to Genetics and Infertility

Natalie Richeimer, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor, Education and Outreach Manager at Jscreen, Bat-Sheva L. Maslow MD, REI, RMA, and Rena Fox, RNC-OB, BSN, join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about genetics and Infertility. The introductory episode of our 5-part IWSTHAB x JSCREEN Podcast series dives into the genetic aspect of fertility and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) workups, setting the stage for an engaging and informative series that blends expert knowledge with deeply personal stories.

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Aimee Baron Aimee Baron

154. Becoming A Single Mother By Choice Part 2 with Michelle (Malka) Grunstein

On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Michelle (Malka) Grunstein, LMFT CATC-IV, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the beginning of her journey to becoming a SMBC, how she is finally pregnant again (after three early losses) and gives us a window into the process, and how she needed to do IVF and use a sperm donor, which were both completely new experiences for her.

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Loss, Singledom Aimee Baron Loss, Singledom Aimee Baron

151. The “Value” Of A Fertility Journey/ What The Torah Has To Say About Infertility and Pregnancy Loss with Hadassah Shemtov

Hadassah Shemtov, the cofounder of the “Batsheva Learning Center” joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about a number of the sources that discuss infertility and pregnancy loss, her hope that having this knowledge could help shape the way people process and relate to some of the difficult experiences that they are having on their journey, and the concept of being “busy with” Pe’ru U’revu (being fruitful and multiply) versus “fulfilling” the mitzvah (commandment) of Pe’ru U’revu.

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Infertility, Donor Conception, Adoption Aimee Baron Infertility, Donor Conception, Adoption Aimee Baron

149. Reimagining Parenthood with Rachel Shanken

Rachel Shanken joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her journey to becoming an adoptive parent, something she never envisioned herself doing, the heartbreaking conversation as a single woman in her 30s when her doctors said that she may never have biological children and how she got married, but then struggled through the ups and downs of umpteen failed cycles to try to get pregnant.

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Infertility, Loss Aimee Baron Infertility, Loss Aimee Baron

147. Navigating the pain and grief: A personal story of primary infertility and infant loss with Elissa Felder

Elissa Felder joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her years of primary infertility, coupled with the devastating loss of her infant son, her book, “From One Life to the Next Life: The Sacred Passage After Death,” which has become a lifeline for those navigating the churning waters of grief and her raw, soul-baring journey from paralyzing grief to living a life infused with purpose and passion.

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Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

146. Infertility, Miscarriage and Grief Against The Backdrop of October 7th with Shirel Korobkin and Shani Weinmann Kay

Shirel Korobkin and Shani Weinmann Kay join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the realities of the fertility community in Israel, one year after October 7th, what the last 365 days has been for them personally and as individuals who have taken active roles in trying to hold space for others and advice on how we can best support.

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Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

145. Exploring the Emotions of the Struggle to Have A Baby with Aliza Tropper, LMHC

Aliza Tropper, LMHC, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the emotions that come up during the quest to build a family, the guilt, shame, sadness, anxiety, inadequacy, etc., and how they manifest, and suggestions on how to make these deep feelings more manageable, like self-soothing, mini-breaks, reaching out for support and even medication if things become too overwhelming.

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Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

144. My Infertility Story: Lessons from Chana and Penina with Tee Simpser

Tee Simpser joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her 6 years of primary infertility, heartbreaking disappointments, life-threatening complications and all kinds of insensitive comments and how she saw herself in the Chana/Penina story from the Book of Shmuel (book of Samuel), as she longed to be a mother, while watching everyone else around her get pregnant.

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