Inaugural Global Jewish Fertility Support Summit
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Watch Highlights from the Summit
Replays from the Global Fertility Summit
Multi-Faceted Conversations About Fertility Challenges Individuals and Couples Face…
…And How Communities, Clergy, Lay Leaders, Friends, and Family Can Best Support Them
About Our Summit
This was the first-ever global gathering of the leading experts in Jewish Fertility Support. Though infertility and loss cross the geographical and religious boundaries of all people, elevated numbers in the Jewish community and cultural distinctions unique to Judaism leave us with unique hurdles to overcome.
1 in 6 Jewish couples experiences infertility.
1 in 4 pregnancies ends with a loss.
The path is often anything but straightforward.
The Summit consisted of two 90-minute webinars where distinguished panels of professionals from the Jewish fertility space will present alongside the organizer and moderator of this event and the founder of IWSTHAB, Dr. Aimee Baron.
Each panel was approximately 25 minutes long.
We Included Some of the Most Prominent Voices in Jewish Fertility Support
Summit Organizer
Founder & Executive Director, I Was Supposed To Have A Baby
Aimee Baron MD, FAAP, is the Founder and Executive Director of I Was Supposed to Have a Baby. Dr. Baron was formerly the Director of Innovation and Growth at NechamaComfort, and has also worked as an attending pediatrician at the Newborn Nursery and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital before taking a leave of absence after her third miscarriage.
Aimee lives in the greater New York area with her husband and children and is perpetually searching for the best chocolate babka.
I Was Supposed To Have A Baby’s mission is to utilize social platforms (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn) to support all Jewish individuals and families struggling to have a child. It provides a warm and nurturing space for those going through infertility, pregnancy loss, infant loss, surrogacy, or adoption and connects them to resources in the Jewish community.
Summit Sponsors
Multi-Faceted Conversations About Fertility Challenges Individuals and Couples Face…
Those who struggle to build a family deal with many emotions as they navigate this sometimes long and lonely path. This program will provide validation, comfort, and support to those dealing with any fertility struggle.
Panel 1: So You’re Not Getting Pregnant: Accepting Your Diagnosis, Navigating Jewish Law and Fertility Treatments, and Relationship Challenges
Chani Levertov
Founder and Director, Fruitful
Chani Levertov founded Fruitful as a peer support resource for friends and community members. She has grown the organization together with a dedicated team to service over 90 individuals navigating their infertility journey. Chani is also the Co-director of Smile on Seniors of Arizona, along with her husband Levi. Smile on Seniors is the foremost organization providing social, educational, and pastoral services to the Jewish senior demographic in Arizona.
Michal Roness
Coordinator of Yoatzot Halacha Fertility Counselor Project and Nishmat Ha-Bayit Research Institute
Michal Roness has been a Yoetzet Halacha since 2005. She coordinates the Yoatzot Halacha Fertility Counselor Project at Nishmat as well as the Nishmat Ha-Bayit Research Institute. Born in Australia, she now lives in Beit Shemesh where she gives shiurim in Taharat Hamishpacha, intimacy and other halachic topics. She has also answered questions on the Nishmat Golda Koschitzky Hotline since 2008.
Suzanne Sackstein, PhD
Founder and Director, Malka Ella Fertility Fund
Suzanne Sackstein is the founding director of the Malka Ella Fertility Fund. Suzanne, who also experienced her own fertility challenges, is passionate about helping people navigate their fertility journey. The Malka Ella Fertility Fund, run by Suzanne and her dedicated team, assists by providing funding, emotional support, halachic guidance and genetic testing.
Suzanne lives with her family in Johannesburg, SA.
Panel 2: The Waiting Game: Financial Struggles, Spiritual Crises, and Third Party Reproduction
Rachi Hain, BSW
Founder, Merkaz Panim
Rachi Hain studied social work in Bar Ilan university. Upon graduating she turned to the field of counseling those faced with a fertility challenge. Since 2011, she has been running Merkaz Panim and heads a staff of nine therapists of different kinds who all provide emotional support to anyone faced with a fertility challenge and those who have gone through pregnancy loss or had a stillborn baby.
Rabbi Idit Solomon
Founder & CEO, Hasidah
Rabbi Idit Solomon is the founder of Hasidah. She previously served as Vice President of Jewish Education and Identity and Community Relations at the Columbus Jewish Federation. Rabbi Solomon was ordained from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles where she also received a Master’s in Hebrew Letters and a Master’s of Jewish Education from the Rhea Hirsch School of Education. Prior to this she was educated and worked in the field of systems analysis and accounting. Rabbi Solomon has also worked in the synagogue, college campus, nursing care and summer camp venues.
Panel 3: You Are Not Defined By This: Self-Care, Boundaries, and How to Advocate for Yourself
Karen Friedman, PhD
Founding Director, Keren Gefen
Dr. Karen Friedman, psychologist, is the Founding Director of Keren Gefen, which facilitates Mind/Body Fertility projects in Israel.
Dr. Friedman is a CBT therapist, who has a Doctorate from Harvard University and completed Clinical Psychology training at Hadassah. “At Harvard, my Doctoral advisor, Professor Lawrence Kohlberg, taught me to challenge my thoughts and understand the thoughts of others. Professor Carol Gilligan taught me that women have a ‘different voice’. I have found that voice. It is a maternal voice, and my goal is to further the vision of Dr. Ali Domar to allow each woman to fulfill her fertility potential.
Susie Holder, MSc Clin Psy
Clinical Lead, Chana
As clinical lead of Chana, I manage and oversee the team of support workers and the professional running of Chana’s therapeutic services. I personally meet many of the new clients to discuss their needs in detail and thereby ensure they receive the best and most appropriate level of support. I aim to provide individuals and couples with a bespoke and supportive experience whatever their fertility issue.
By profession, I am a Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience of working within the NHS. I am an Associate Fellow and member of the British Psychological Society and am a registered member of the Health and Care Professionals Council. I have been an active member of multi-disciplinary teams, managed and supervised other professionals, and taught lay people and professionals as well as co-authouring journal articles.
Rabbi Elan Segelman
Rabbinic Director - America, Puah
After studying in Israel for two years at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh, Rabbi Segelman attained a B.A. in Psychology from Touro College's Lander College for Men, as well as an M.A. from Touro College's Graduate School of Jewish Studies. Shortly after completing his Semicha, he was appointed as a Shoel U'Maishiv and Rebbe in the Lander College Judaic Studies Program. In 2016, Rabbi Segelman became the Rabbinic Educator at New York Medical College & Touro College of Dental Medicine in Valhalla, NY. Rabbi Segelman currently resides in Los Angeles, California, where he serves as the Rabbi of the Young Israel of Hancock Park.
…And How Communities, Clergy, Lay Leaders, Friends, and Family Can Best Support Them
When someone we love is on a fertility journey, it can be tricky to figure out the balance between being helpful and nosy. We want to be supportive but don’t know what will feel comforting or what might offend. This program will give practical suggestions for each layer of support that people need when facing infertility or loss.
Panel 1: This Affects All Of Us: How Communities Can Show They Care
Gila Block
Executive Director, Yesh Tikva
Gila is the Executive Director and Co-Founder Yesh Tikva. Three years into her personal fertility journey she founded Yesh Tikva with the help of four incredible and dedicated women. She received her BA in psychology from Yeshiva University Stern College for Women and an MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis from Columbia University. Prior to assuming the position of Executive Director of Yesh Tikva, she worked for 8 years as a behavior therapist and parent educator working with children on the Autism Spectrum.
Elana Frank
CEO & Founder, Jewish Fertility Foundation
Elana Frank, mompreneur through IVF and embryo donation, helps intended parents navigate parenthood through her non-profit, the Jewish Fertility Foundation. She has trained 500+ community and healthcare leaders in infertility sensitivity, matched hundreds of people with “fertility buddies,” “birthed” over 100 babies, and allocated over $1 million in fertility grants. Under her leadership as CEO & Founder, the Jewish Fertility Foundation continues ongoing national expansion efforts.
Rabbi David Glickman
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Shalom, Priya
Rabbi David M. Glickman is the senior rabbi of Congregation Beth Shalom in Overland Park, Kansas (suburban Kansas City), and along with his wife, Annie, are the Co-Founders of Priya. He is a sought-after teacher and a rabbinic innovator. Rabbi Glickman was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary and is an alumnus of the University of Michigan. He has studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Schechter Institute, The Shalom Hartman Institute, and the Hadar Institute. He is also a bit of a coffee maven.
Panel 2: Why is the Rabbi Asking When I'm Having Kids? Sensitivity Training for Clergy and Lay Leaders
Reva Judas
Founder and Director, NechamaComfort
Reva Judas is the founder and Director of NechamaComfort, a global organization supporting families through the trauma of pregnancy and infant loss. Reva continues to counsel people around the world and trains medical staff, clergy, lay leaders, and communities in best practices for supporting grieving families. Reva received her Chaplaincy Certification from Hackensack Medical Center and is a Resolve Through Sharing (RTS) certified Infant Pregnancy Loss Facilitator. She holds a BS in Human and Child Development from Wayne State University.
Alex Peyser, MD
Co-Founder, Stardust
Alex is currently a third-year fellow in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Northwell Health and the co-founder of Stardust Jewish Fertility Foundation. She completed her undergraduate degree at Columbia University and then earned her medical degree from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. She completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center, where she served as administrative chief resident. She has published and presented at numerous national meetings on the topics of genetic carrier screening, third-party reproduction, fertility insurance coverage and the genetics of diminished ovarian reserve. Having gone through infertility herself, she is passionate about helping others overcome reproductive challenges and achieve their dream of parenthood.
Justine Saidman
CEO, The Australian Jewish Fertility Network
Justine is a passionate and well respected leader within our Australian Jewish Community, most notably as the director of PJ Library for seven years. Justine has a Certificate in Jewish Leadership from Spertus in Chicago, and a Masters in Jewish Education from Hebrew University, amongst other qualifications, as well as being part of the Leadership Team for Launchpad Leadership.
Justine is directly influenced by three things: her deep Jewish values, her desire to invest and grow community, and her love of learning. These pillars have guided her strong belief that no one should feel disconnected from community or alone, that we should all actively lean into community, and that belonging is paramount to the thriving of the Jewish people and the individual’s sense of self and well-being. Her central motivator as CEO is to help others build Jewish families and support and comfort those with a challenging fertility journey.
Panel 3: What To Say/What Not To Say: Friends and Family Edition
Aliza Abrams Konig
Surrogacy Support, I Was Supposed To Have A Baby
Aliza Abrams Konig is the Senior Program Director of the Leadership Scholars at Yeshiva University, an undergraduate program to develop emerging leaders for the Jewish future. She formerly served as Yeshiva University’s Director of Alumni Engagement, Director of Student Life at Stern College for Women and the Director of Jewish Service Learning, where she built the service-learning curriculum and established student travel missions around the world. Earlier in Aliza's career she served as Assistant Principal at Central, Yeshiva University High School for Girls. She has lectured in synagogues, community centers and schools on leadership, education, faith, prayer and issues related to the contemporary Jewish family, dating, infertility, surrogacy and family. She has created a Jewish Surrogacy Support Network and serves as a Surrogacy Consultant for families pursuing surrogacy.
Gail Miller MD
Founder, Path Onward Life Coaching
Gail Miller is a life coach, Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician, and TEDx speaker. Her career has always been about helping women. She is the founder of Path Onward Life Coaching empowering women who are childless not by choice to feel worthy, live fulfilling lives and manage triggers and fears.
After realizing biological children would not be part of her story, she went on a personal journey to grieve the loss and rediscover who she was before she realized that being a mother wouldn’t be part of her life. She then reimagined her future.
She is passionate about helping other women find the same healing and wholeness she discovered along the way. Dr. Miller has turned the life lessons gained through her experience with involuntary childlessness into a calling in her life to speak about and support other women experiencing this pain.
Dr. Bill Petok, PhD
Clinical Assoc Prof of ObGyn, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Bill Petok, PhD
Bill Petok is a licensed psychologist in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Petok has a specialty practice that focuses on the emotional components of reproductive medicine, including infertility and sex therapy. As a 10-year board member of Path 2 Parenthood (formerly The American Fertility Association), he was involved in the educational efforts of the organization to improve public knowledge regarding fertility and family building for both men and women. A past Chair of the Mental Health Professional Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, he served on the editorial board of the ASRM’s journal, Sexuality, Menopause, and Reproductive Medicine. His interest in male fertility issues has taken him to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he’s spoken on Advancing Male Reproductive Health. His publications include book chapters on Infertility Counseling, Sexuality, and Gender-Based Differences, journal articles on Male Factor Infertility, the interface of religion and sexuality, and the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.