Resources for Men
Navigating Fertility and Family-Building Journeys
Welcome to our dedicated resource hub for men navigating infertility and family-building journeys. We understand that the journey to parenthood can be uniquely complex and emotionally taxing for men, often accompanied by feelings of isolation and uncertainty. This platform is designed specifically for you, offering a collection of resources tailored to support and guide men through this experience.
Here, you will find a resources including podcasts, posts, and personal stories from other men who have faced similar struggles. Our aim is to provide a supportive community and practical tools to help you through every step of your journey. Explore our resources, find comfort in shared experiences, and empower yourself with knowledge and support.
For more information, visit our Fertility Resource Library.
Other Resources:
Men’s Helpline- Supporting men’s journey with infertility and miscarriage
Sad Dad’s Club- Support for bereaved fathers
Personal Stories
“After our diagnosis of severe MFI (male factor infertility), I told my husband the ball was in his court, and if he wanted kids he needed to take control and figure things out.”
Regardless of whether it’s your “fault” or not, the emotional pain of infertility is very real for both partners.
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
We NEVER want them to feel responsible or guilty. Because they aren’t. We protect them with our lives and love.
Male factor infertility is quite common (some report it as high as 40-50%) of all infertility cases, yet it’s not discussed much in the support space.
How is that a merciful Gd? What did I ever do? All I have ever wanted in life is to be a father!’
First Person Account of Male infertility. When I started the topic of male factor infertility, a young Israeli couple offered to be interviewed about his/their experiences.
Within a few months of marriage, we quickly realized something was not right. Based on what we learned in chosson (groom)/kallah (bride) classes we took before marriage, things weren’t happening the way they were biologically supposed to.
Rob Reider joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the stillbirth of his daughter, Lila, in December 2017, how he dealt with the grief and overwhelming heartache, and how he and his his wife, Tehila, got through those early weeks (spoiler alert- they were both a mess).
David Melamed joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his 14-year struggle to have a child, his candid and heartfelt discussion of the most painful and challenging moments, the sources of strength and upliftment on this journey and his courage and emotional depth.
Daniel Landau joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his story of needing to do IVF for genetic reasons and all the difficult emotions surrounding that and his path to starting an organization for solely to support men, Men's Helpline, which has a podcast, peer-to-peer support network other resources to help males in crisis.
Dr. Bill Petok joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the reasons why it’s hard for men to share their emotions, how men often act when they have gotten a fertility diagnosis, and the do’s and don’ts on what to say to the men in your life when they’re struggling.
Dr. Michael Werner, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about medical options for male infertility patients, ESSM, sperm mapping, Azoospermia and how those with this diagnosis actually do have viable sperm that can be found through various techniques.
Dr. Shy Krug, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how to communicate more effectively with your partner/spouse during the fertility years, what to do when you disagree with your partner and how struggles lead to issues with intimacy.
Eli Weinstein, LMSW, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his fertility journey, primary infertility due to a male and female factor, and how he coped with diagnosis and treatment.
Male Factor Infertility
The Silence of Infertility- From A Man’s Perspective
“After our diagnosis of severe MFI (male factor infertility), I told my husband the ball was in his court, and if he wanted kids he needed to take control and figure things out.”
Regardless of whether it’s your “fault” or not, the emotional pain of infertility is very real for both partners.
We NEVER want them to feel responsible or guilty. Because they aren’t. We protect them with our lives and love.
40-50% of infertility issues are because of a problem with the male. And of those, only a small percentage are open about it.
The one thing I keep hearing from all of you is how the diagnosis of #malefactorinfertility causes many men to question their masculinity.
Male factor infertility is quite common (some report it as high as 40-50%) of all infertility cases, yet it’s not discussed much in the support space.
First Person Account of Male infertility. When I started the topic of male factor infertility, a young Israeli couple offered to be interviewed about his/their experiences.
Dr. Michael Werner, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about medical options for male infertility patients, ESSM, sperm mapping, Azoospermia and how those with this diagnosis actually do have viable sperm that can be found through various techniques.
Eli Weinstein, LMSW, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his fertility journey, primary infertility due to a male and female factor, and how he coped with diagnosis and treatment.
Yehudit Kosowsky, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about tokophobia (the fear of getting pregnant), how it affected her journey, and her story about overcoming her fears.
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The Silence of Infertility- From A Man’s Perspective
“After our diagnosis of severe MFI (male factor infertility), I told my husband the ball was in his court, and if he wanted kids he needed to take control and figure things out.”
Regardless of whether it’s your “fault” or not, the emotional pain of infertility is very real for both partners.
Regardless of whether they ask for help or show their sadness, the men in your life need and deserve some TLC, too.Here are some ways you can support them today and every day.
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
We NEVER want them to feel responsible or guilty. Because they aren’t. We protect them with our lives and love.
40-50% of infertility issues are because of a problem with the male. And of those, only a small percentage are open about it.
The one thing I keep hearing from all of you is how the diagnosis of #malefactorinfertility causes many men to question their masculinity.
Male factor infertility is quite common (some report it as high as 40-50%) of all infertility cases, yet it’s not discussed much in the support space.
How is that a merciful Gd? What did I ever do? All I have ever wanted in life is to be a father!’
First Person Account of Male infertility. When I started the topic of male factor infertility, a young Israeli couple offered to be interviewed about his/their experiences.
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.
And you are allowed to grieve too.
We've been sharing comments about how men feel when dealing with fertility struggles, and some definitely do not have the thicker skin that society expects of them. Here are a couple things you can say to get him out of a sticky situation.
Within a few months of marriage, we quickly realized something was not right. Based on what we learned in chosson (groom)/kallah (bride) classes we took before marriage, things weren’t happening the way they were biologically supposed to.
To all the men and all the women: it isn’t your fault and it isn’t mine.
We are in this together.
Some men cry, some men get angry, some men talk about their pain…And some men don’t.
And that is perfectly okay. Let him know you are there for him but then let him process in his own way. Even if that means that he doesn’t seem to process it at all.
Daniel Landau joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his story of needing to do IVF for genetic reasons and all the difficult emotions surrounding that and his path to starting an organization for solely to support men, Men's Helpline, which has a podcast, peer-to-peer support network other resources to help males in crisis.
Dr. Michael Werner, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about medical options for male infertility patients, ESSM, sperm mapping, Azoospermia and how those with this diagnosis actually do have viable sperm that can be found through various techniques.
Eli Weinstein, LMSW, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his fertility journey, primary infertility due to a male and female factor, and how he coped with diagnosis and treatment.
Some men cry, some men get angry, some men talk about their pain… And some men don’t. And that is perfectly okay. Let him know you are there for him but then let him process in his own way. Even if that means that he doesn’t seem to process it at all.
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we know you are hurting too.