Surrogacy After Loss
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

Surrogacy After Loss

I always knew surrogacy would be my path to having a child of my own. When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a form of cervical cancer.

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Grief With Surrogacy
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

Grief With Surrogacy

Surrogacy gives many people the opportunity to grow their family when they otherwise couldn’t have and bring them the greatest joy. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t grief and loss throughout the process.

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Privacy in Surrogacy
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

Privacy in Surrogacy

Surrogacy can be kept a secret.

It’s nobody’s business.

It’s up to the family (the parents) to decide how they want to choose to share this information… if they even want to share it. Yes, people are going to realize that someone was not pregnant, and suddenly they have a baby.

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Jealousy in Surrogacy
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

Jealousy in Surrogacy

It’s normal to feel jealous of your surrogate. She is living your dream.

She is the one that gets to feel the kicks, watch her belly grow, feel the cravings, and get all the attention.

If you feel jealousy, it’s okay.

Acknowledge the feeling and hold space for it.

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119. My Surrogacy Story with Elisheva Levitt
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

119. My Surrogacy Story with Elisheva Levitt

Elisheva Levitt joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the surrogacy story of her twins, who were born after three heartbreaking pregnancy losses and years of searching for a surrogate and the pregnancy of her first child that left her with a blood incompatibility and her body attacked any subsequent attempts to try to bring another baby into this world.

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