About Triggers

You know when you’re at the grocery store, minding your own business, and then you turn the corner and see a pregnant woman picking out some ice cream? Suddenly, your heart starts to race, your palms start to sweat, and you want to get out of there as quickly as possible.
You got triggered.

We can think we’ve healed or are already dealing with some trauma in our lives, only to be hit by it when we’re least prepared. Like a slap in the face, these emotional triggers wake us up to reality and to the unhealed parts of ourselves which we have tried so hard to ignore.
Be grateful for this slap, listen to it, and do the work to discover the parts of yourself that are still wounded and in need of healing.
Do not shy away from it or run.
Do not sweep it under the rug.
Do not attempt to go around it.
Because true healing occurs when you allow your emotional triggers to take place, freeing yourself to feel your emotions fully and then letting them pass without allowing them to control you.
What triggers are you avoiding?


Secondary Infertility and Age


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