Schlissel Challah
But what if you want to do something to get try to get a message to G-d? What if you’re searching for some kind of meaningful connection?
Ways To Say No
For when the last thing you want to do is get out of your pjs, you need to find ways of saying NO in a clear, direct and concise way.
Mother’s Day
10 things your friend with infertility and/or pregnancy loss never tells you about mother’s day. I want to celebrate for you but also grieve for me.
“Your Child is Spoiled”
The feeling when someone says that your child is spoiled because they are an only child… Because they don't know how long or how hard you've been trying...
More Than DNA
Parents who are choosing to use a donor for their child are thinking exactly the same way. They want to be parents more than they want to share their DNA.
Third Party Reproduction Myths
These are some of the things that parents think about when considering using a donor (and things that other people think when you share you are going the donor route)
Our Donor Egg Story
"We failed 11 IVF's at 4 different prominent fertility clinics with my own eggs, before we even considered donor eggs- what a difference it is going for a transfer being pretty confident that I'll end up pregnant!"
Our Donor Sperm Story
We all are deeply grateful to this anonymous couple for sharing their story about using donor sperm with the IWSTHAB community. Since making the decision, they have never looked back.
Pregnancy After Infertility PSA
Quick PSA for those of you who think that when your BFF finally gets pregnant after infertility that it’s a walk in the park. The trauma doesn’t leave when someone gets pregnant.
Pregnancy After Infertility
Pregnancy after infertility is holding onto so many emotions. I am excited and I am scared. I am hopeful and I have doubt. I am happy and I am sad. Pregnancy after infertility is a new chapter of my long journey to parenthood.
Because trauma is not something that you can will away. It takes time, effort, sometimes therapy and a lot of TLC. So please be kind to yourself for feeling all of these feelings.
Know Your People
Some get the fact that it’s a struggle and can relate on a basic level because they too, have been through struggle. And others just don’t. They have led a charmed life. Everything has gone right.
Acknowledge Always
When people are struggling, whether it is something personal or very public, part of being a kind human, of being a mensch (a person on integrity and honor), is caring about your fellow man.
9 Support Suggestions
You all know the basics by now, so here's an updated list to get you thinking a little bit more about how to support the people you love. 9 more suggestions.
Roe Vs. Wade Reactions
IWSTHAB was started to support anyone in the Jewis community struggling to have a child: single, married, divorced, LGBTQ+, charedi, any barriers or issues and we will continue to do so.
Self-Care Tip #1
If you can find just one thing to smile about, one joke, one crazy situation, one obscenely obnoxious thing someone said to you, and actually laugh about it, your load will definitely feel a little lighter.
Self-Care Tip #2
Because even though it’s impossible to run away from your problems, it’s nice to forget about them for a while. Exploring a new location or a favorite one gets you out of your head and into an alternate reality.
Self-Care Tip #3
If you can find just one thing to smile about, one joke, one crazy situation, one obscenely obnoxious thing someone said to you, and actually laugh about it, your load will definitely feel a little lighter.
Self-Care Tip #4
It’s the little things. They may be little, but don’t dismiss them as happenstance. They’re special gifts for you in the middle of the darkness, to remind you that you are not alone. ❤️
Self-Care Tip #5
We all have our go-to comfort foods that bring us some semblance of joy during times of grief, pain and sadness. And they’re usually carb loaded because those are the foods that increase endorphins.