I was given a pregnancy – and my pregnancy was taken away.
I was given a pregnancy – and my pregnancy was taken away.
The Emotions of Pregnancy After Loss
We know that what is visible on the outside is not always the full story.
Pregnancy After IF/Losses
Thank you to this voice from the community for perfectly describing this 😭😭😭
You’re Allowed To Complain
A follower who has been suffering for years with infertility, and recently got pregnant wrote this to me, after reading how some people are triggered when hearing people complain.
Pregnant After Loss Tips
“Can you share some tips about how to get through pregnancy after loss? I am 6 weeks pregnant now and a mess. It’s just so hard to get through the day.”
This is Pregnancy After Loss
Pregnancy after loss is all of these things and more: getting through 40 weeks… 1 day at at a time. Celebrating today while worrying about tomorrow.
Supporting Someone Pregnant After Loss
Watching someone go through pregnancy after loss is really hard, in a way that’s both similar and different to the experience of losing a baby.
Pregnancy After Infertility PSA
Quick PSA for those of you who think that when your BFF finally gets pregnant after infertility that it’s a walk in the park. The trauma doesn’t leave when someone gets pregnant.
Pregnancy After Infertility
Pregnancy after infertility is holding onto so many emotions. I am excited and I am scared. I am hopeful and I have doubt. I am happy and I am sad. Pregnancy after infertility is a new chapter of my long journey to parenthood.
This is Pregnancy After Loss
With pregnancy after loss, there are so many emotions. Disbelief. Emptiness. Hope. Regret. Guilt. Doubt. Excitement. Fear. Joy. Relief. Here is one woman’s thoughts.
Pregnancy Thoughts
Thoughts and feelings towards pregnancy look very different after infertility and loss. Even though this is something that we desperately want, it brings a mix of emotions and lots of anxiety.
How To Respond When Someone Asks “Are You Pregnant?”
Here are some ways to respond if someone asks you that dreadful question and you aren’t ready to answer with the full truth.
Pregnant But…
Even for people that get pregnant after infertility or loss, there are many conflicting emotions: gratefulness, guilt, fear, anxiety, hope. You can hold space for the positive and negative emotions.
Pregnancy After Loss Emotions
Pregnancy after loss is hard with complex thoughts and emotions that are felt, the disconnect between how a person looks on the outside vs what they are going through on the inside. And so much more…
Pregnancy After Loss Unfiltered
Pregnancy After Loss Unfiltered: Disbelief. Emptiness. Hope. Regret. Guilt. Doubt. Excitement. Fear. Joy. Relief. What does pregnancy after loss look like for you?
Pregnancy After Loss Iceberg
With pregnancy after loss, what you see on the outside is not always the full story. Here is what people see and what people dont see above and below the iceberg.
“This Entire Pregnancy Has Been Like A Seesaw”
Swipe to read this voice from the community about the reality of pregnancy after loss.
9 Pregnancy After Loss Commandments
You are going to get through this. Swipe through to read the 9 Pregnancy After Loss Commandments that can help you get through this period.
Pregnancy After Loss Courage
Pregnancy after loss is courageously choosing hope over fear when pregnancy no longer guarantees a baby. To all of you out there who know that getting pregnant doesn't necessarily = baby, we see you.
“My Pregnancy After Loss Story Is A Worse Case Scenario”
This next voice from the community is raw look into pregnancy after loss the heartbreak that comes with it. Swipe to read 💔