Living with a Scream Inside You
Imagine living with a scream inside you and the scream is yours and no one else can hear it. Pain is pain is pain. And we’ll hold space for ALL of you.
Types of Guilt In Infertility
Unfortunately, guilt is a part of infertility. It’s a feeling of having done something wrong, whether real or imagined.
Understanding Shame and Guilt
Guilt and shame are two common and complex emotions for people navigating infertility. They are different, but tend to go hand in hand.
Infertility Survivor’s Guilt
Infertility survivor’s guilt is that feeling after you finally get pregnant but you can’t stop thinking “Why me and not her?” It’s painful and destructive.
Pregnant But…
Even for people that get pregnant after infertility or loss, there are many conflicting emotions: gratefulness, guilt, fear, anxiety, hope. You can hold space for the positive and negative emotions.
Holidays are HARD
We asked the IWSTHAB community- which holiday is the hardest? We are totally unsurprised by these results…because when life is hard, ALL HOLIDAYS can be harder.
I Wasn’t Supposed To
This voice from the community shares another perspective when we are faced with repeated heartbreaking disappointment. We see those of you struggling extra right now and we are here for you.
Grief Steals a Part of You Away Forever
For National Grief Awareness Day we want to take a moment and acknowledge that grief if not easy, it is not simple, and there is no "right" way to grieve.
Due Date
Even in the midst of crisis, due dates still come and go. This is one woman’s experience thinking about her due date. “The day is creeping upon me again.”
I’ll Always Miss Her
Everyone has different preferences when navigating the unimaginable heartbreak of pregnancy or infant loss. Swipe to read one woman’s personal thoughts and preferences.
Grief and Reimagining a Future Family
Grief is deep. Grief is more than missing the person you’ve lost. It’s about everything else you’ve lost as a result. It’s about accepting a different future than you pictured for yourself.
Growing Around Grief
Your grief will always be a part of you, not matter how many "stages" you go through. It was stay with you for the rest of your life. The difference that happens over time is you.
Grief Brain
Grief Brain… or my life is so messed up right now in a million different ways that I can’t remember what day it is, let alone where my phone is. Some days I amaze myself, other days I put my phone in the fridge.
Fixing is Not Healing
Healing is not fixing. These are not necessarily clear problems to be solved. Healing takes time and space and isn’t really defined by any rules. And we don’t choose trauma, [so] it’s not our weakness.
How You Can Show Support
One of our most asked questions is: "How can I support my sister/friend/cousin/daughter going through infertility?" The key is compassion, sensitivity, no judgement, and validation.
If You Want to Support People Struggling to Have a Baby
This is what unconditional support looks like. It's not easy, but it means the world to those going through hardships. Support is just not in the big gestures, it’s in the little things ❤️
7 Ways to Support Someone Struggling
It’s so hard for people who are struggling to identify what they need, and also, what about if you want to do something nice for someone…Here’s a few ways to show you care, without it being in their face.
Emotions and Overwhelm
This is infertility. This is the side of infertility you may not see. The internal struggle to make it through cry day, every cycle, every event without breaking down.