7 Ways to Support Someone Struggling

It’s so hard for people who are struggling to identify what they need, and also, what about if you want to do something nice for someone…and you’re not sure if they even need all of your efforts

Here’s a few ways to show you care, without it being in their face.

Remember- people who are down often don’t have the energy to go out, get dressed or even tell you when they need. So sometimes, just showing up, is exactly the thing that makes them feel loved. Just make sure you ask first.

  • “Hey, I’m in the mood for potato kugel, but it’s just a random Tuesday so I feel weird making it alone. Can I bring the stuff to your place and make it with you?”

  • “I really need some fresh air, so I’m going out for a walk in the morning. Want to join me? I’ll pick you up.”

  • “I'm here to help with the small stuff. Need anything from the store? How about the laundry, dishes or vacuuming?”

  • So, I’ve been getting into drawing and I’d love to draw that crazy looking plant you have in the corner of the family room. Do you mind if I come over tonight and do that?”

  • “I’d like to make you dinner. Are tacos with fixings okay for you? I know you don’t like avocado—don’t worry. I can drop it off at 6. Okay?”

  • “Will you come to the library with me? I need some new books and could use the company. I’ll pick you up in 30?”

  • I’m trying to perfect a chocolate chip cookie recipe, and I think I may have gotten it. Will you be a taste-tester for me? Come over please! I can even pick you up if needed.”


If You Want to Support People Struggling to Have a Baby


Instead of Asking “How Are You?”