Things That You Don’t Know You’re Doing That Are Making Guests Feel Uncomfortable with Tzipora Grodko
So grateful for the conversation with @tziporagrodko this evening on how to be a more sensitive host. And yes- the original talk had 7 pointers, but we added one more based on our live tonight.
Circumstantial Infertility and Physical Health Concerns
Sometimes, prioritizing our physical health and safety means not getting pregnant again. Hearing these words can be incredibly heartbreaking…
Ways to Support the Men in Your Life
Regardless of whether they ask for help or show their sadness, the men in your life need and deserve some TLC, too.Here are some ways you can support them today and every day.
Family Building for the LGBTQ+ Community
For the LGBTQ+ community, family building involves taking (a LOT of) extra financial, logistical, and emotional steps along the way.
Pride Month
40-50% of infertility issues are because of a problem with the male. And of those, only a small percentage are open about it.
To All of the Men in the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby community
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.
How Is the Man In Your Life Dealing with Fertility Stuff?
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
Voices From the Community: How The Men In Your Life Are Coping with Fertility Challenges
We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses.
It Is Our Problem, Not His
We NEVER want them to feel responsible or guilty. Because they aren’t. We protect them with our lives and love.
Understanding Male Factor Infertility
40-50% of infertility issues are because of a problem with the male. And of those, only a small percentage are open about it.
Male Factor Infertility and Masculinity
The one thing I keep hearing from all of you is how the diagnosis of #malefactorinfertility causes many men to question their masculinity.
Male Factor Infertility—A Personal Perspective
Male factor infertility is quite common (some report it as high as 40-50%) of all infertility cases, yet it’s not discussed much in the support space.
My Husband During Selichot
How is that a merciful Gd? What did I ever do? All I have ever wanted in life is to be a father!’
First Person Account of Male Factor Infertility
First Person Account of Male infertility. When I started the topic of male factor infertility, a young Israeli couple offered to be interviewed about his/their experiences.
Circumstantial Infertility: Uterine Fibroid Surgery and Mental Health
We will keep sharing your stories to show people that you never know what’s going on behind closed doors and that there are many reasons why someone may not have more children - even if they desperately want more.
Navigating Circumstantial Infertility and Mental Health
People think when someone gets married, that they're going to have kids right away. But so many times, that's not what happens.
Father’s Day: Infertility and Loss Affects Men Too
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we know you are hurting too.
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.
To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.
And you are allowed to grieve too.
Men Struggle With Hurtful Comments Too. Here’s How You Can Come In For The Rescue
We've been sharing comments about how men feel when dealing with fertility struggles, and some definitely do not have the thicker skin that society expects of them. Here are a couple things you can say to get him out of a sticky situation.
Overcoming Silence: Our Story with Ejaculatory Dysfunction and Marriage
Within a few months of marriage, we quickly realized something was not right. Based on what we learned in chosson (groom)/kallah (bride) classes we took before marriage, things weren’t happening the way they were biologically supposed to.