Male Factor Infertility and Masculinity

The one thing I keep hearing from all of you is how the diagnosis of Male Factor Infertility causes many men to question their masculinity.
First off, just to make one thing clear- colloquially people assume that Male Factor Infertilitymust mean the man is impotent, when nothing is further from the truth. Azospermia (no sperm) or dysfunctional sperm is NOT the same as being impotent.
Regardless of the reason, there is a tremendous amount of shame and stigma associated with male factor, and it comes with significant stress for the man and the couple. Because it’s not societally acceptable to be discussing his issues, that culture of secrecy can often lead to the woman taking the blame for their problems, so as not to further embarrass her husband or partner.


Understanding Male Factor Infertility


Male Factor Infertility—A Personal Perspective