Father’s Day: Infertility and Loss Affects Men Too

To all of the women who feel:
-like they don't know how to support their men, we see you.
-a sense of shame that they are having trouble coming to grips with their situation, while their men are seemingly okay, we see you.
-worried all day long that they are not being a good partner and wife because they're still grieving while your husband has moved on, we see you.
-a sense of guilt or responsibility in being in the surrogacy world and not being able to “give” your husband a baby, we see you.

We are here for you.


#relationships #husbands #wives #maleinfertility #infertility #fertilityjourney #fertilitytreatment #jewishcouple #jewish #jewsofinstagram


Navigating Circumstantial Infertility and Mental Health


To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.