Men Struggle With Hurtful Comments Too. Here’s How You Can Come In For The Rescue

We've been sharing comments about how men feel when dealing with fertility struggles, and some definitely do not have the thicker skin that society expects of them.

So that's when you can come in for the rescue. Here are a couple things you can say to get him out of a sticky situation.

Other ideas include making a code word that is unique to the two of you, so that you know when one of you uses it, it means that you want to leave ASAP. My husband and I use the word "orange." 🍊Others have a hand gesture or head nod, and some need to forcibly extract the other before the conversation takes a further turn south.

These things work really well for personal situations where you can't speak your mind freely, but they also work really well in professional settings. Try it out and let us know!

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To all of the men in the IWSTHAB community, we see you.


Overcoming Silence: Our Story with Ejaculatory Dysfunction and Marriage