How Is the Man In Your Life Dealing with Fertility Stuff?

We asked the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby Community how the men in their life are dealing with fertility stuff. Here are some of the responses:

"We have severe MFI (male factor infertility) and needed a donor - he loves our baby more than anything."

"I think it's harder for him bc of less support. My friends check in. The guys don't so much. I think ppl assume it's harder for me bc I'm not a mom, but it's just as painful for him to not be a dad."

"He's worried my current pregnancy will also end in a miscarriage 😔. I'm 16 weeks."

"He didn't want to talk about the pregnancy in the beginning when I got pregnant after loss."

"Worse than I thought he will. Sad, gets upset easier, guilty."

"One thing I don't get is its so easy for him to be happy for others when they are pg or have a baby. I can't even feel happy for everyone."

"He'd constantly write beautiful poems on the topic. That was his way of grieving w me."

"He bottles it up but I know he aspires to be more open and not care what others think."

"With our first miscarriage he was sad for a few days then the more I had the more used to it he got."

"I started asking my husband 'are you sad too?' I give him the space and time to answer."

"Making sure he gets his alone time to decompress the way he chooses. He does the same for me!"

"Realizing they cope different not that they're not mourning losses they just have different outlets and ways of dealing with their emotions."

"Totally agree. They move on much faster. They’re not going through the pregnancy and miscarriage..."

"My husband doesn’t share so much about his pain with our infertility because he doesn’t want me to feel worse. But it usually leaves me feeling a little alone and that I’m the only one who feels the struggle."

"For us (SI) my husband wasn’t that emotional about it. Pretty disconnected at first and the different levels of pain bothered me soooo much! Father’s Day/pregnancy announcements/babies didn’t bother him. While I was so sad and upset."

"Sometimes it feels like I carry all the feelings about what we’re going through (which can feel isolating) but every once in a while I’ll get a glimpse. His emotions run deep but he doesn’t often express them."

"It’s interesting. Men don’t express their anger the same way we do. I have more meltdowns, anger and crying than my husband does. He will just space out, bottle it all up inside and not express it until something triggers and then poof! An explosion I did not see coming."


To All of the Men in the I Was Supposed To Have A Baby community


Voices From the Community: How The Men In Your Life Are Coping with Fertility Challenges