From A Man’s Perspective
The Silence of Infertility- From A Man’s Perspective
Male Factor Infertility and Relationships
“After our diagnosis of severe MFI (male factor infertility), I told my husband the ball was in his court, and if he wanted kids he needed to take control and figure things out.”
From The Diary Of A Male Factor Infertility Wife
Regardless of whether it’s your “fault” or not, the emotional pain of infertility is very real for both partners.
It Is Our Problem, Not His
We NEVER want them to feel responsible or guilty. Because they aren’t. We protect them with our lives and love.
Understanding Male Factor Infertility
40-50% of infertility issues are because of a problem with the male. And of those, only a small percentage are open about it.
Male Factor Infertility and Masculinity
The one thing I keep hearing from all of you is how the diagnosis of #malefactorinfertility causes many men to question their masculinity.
Male Factor Infertility—A Personal Perspective
Male factor infertility is quite common (some report it as high as 40-50%) of all infertility cases, yet it’s not discussed much in the support space.
First Person Account of Male Factor Infertility
First Person Account of Male infertility. When I started the topic of male factor infertility, a young Israeli couple offered to be interviewed about his/their experiences.
Episode 51: Options for Male Infertility with Michael Werner, MD
Dr. Michael Werner, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about medical options for male infertility patients, ESSM, sperm mapping, Azoospermia and how those with this diagnosis actually do have viable sperm that can be found through various techniques.
Episode 9: Men Coping with Infertility with Eli Weinstein, LMSW
Eli Weinstein, LMSW, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his fertility journey, primary infertility due to a male and female factor, and how he coped with diagnosis and treatment.
35. Tokophobia with Yehudit Kosowsky
Yehudit Kosowsky, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about tokophobia (the fear of getting pregnant), how it affected her journey, and her story about overcoming her fears.