Surrogacy After Loss
Surrogacy Aimee Baron Surrogacy Aimee Baron

Surrogacy After Loss

I always knew surrogacy would be my path to having a child of my own. When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a form of cervical cancer.

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Male Infertility and Loss
Men's Resources Aimee Baron Men's Resources Aimee Baron

Male Infertility and Loss

Some men cry, some men get angry, some men talk about their pain… And some men don’t. And that is perfectly okay. Let him know you are there for him but then let him process in his own way. Even if that means that he doesn’t seem to process it at all.

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The Grief of Being Single
Singles Aimee Baron Singles Aimee Baron

The Grief of Being Single

We heard a lot during the live with @pharmieinthecity about the idea of 'disenfranchised grief'. Bereavement expert Kenneth Doka coined the term in 1989 to capture this feeling of loss that no one seems to understand and that you don't feel entitled to.

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