Letter To Unborn Baby

“A letter written to my baby with no heartbeat

To my unborn baby:

I don’t why Hashem (G-d)
Chose to give you to me
And then take you away
I don’t know why we were given this test
But I know Hashem will give us the strength
To pull through it
And come out stronger

Unborn baby
You taught me so much in your short time
Inside of me
Inside of me you grew for 9 weeks
You taught me to treasure the hearts
Beating around me
The ones that make my heart beat faster
And my heart grow wider.

Unborn baby
You taught me to be immeasurably grateful for my daughter BH (thank Gd)
My light through it all
You taught me
To see the miracle
In every baby I see being born around me
The gift that it is.

Unborn baby
You taught me we never ever know
What’s going on in someone else’s life
What someone has gone through
And to just extend kindness.

Unborn baby
You taught me to accept what Hashem does
Even when it feels so painful
So hard
it’s all for the good

Unborn baby
I wish, truly wish
You were a healthy baby I got to meet
I wanted to know every part of you
I already felt our connection
Thank you for the sacred time we had together
And the lessons you imprinted
On my beating heart.”



If You Only Understood


Looking Back and Forward