Grief During Quarantine

“I had a 7 week loss right after all of society went into quarantine and it’s been the loneliest period of my life.
My family all knows what I’ve been through and while they were supportive and called a lot the first week or so, they’ve basically forgotten about me and don’t even ask how I’m doing anymore. I told a few friends but they’re all busy with their own families and haven’t reached out once since I lost the baby.
I know that it’s a crazy time. I know that people are sick and dying all around us, and that my loss is nothing in comparison. I’m healthy, can try again and will soon. But I’m just feeling so down and no one seems to get it. My husband keeps telling me to move on and to stop moping, but I’m just not able to focus on the future yet.
I miss my baby so much. We had been trying to get pregnant for 9 months and I was really starting to get worried. But then, my period was late, and I finally got those two pink lines. I was so nauseous and just feeling exhausted all the time. I started craving oranges (so weird cuz I usually love sweets!). Everything seemed great!
But then, I went in for my first ultrasound and there was nothing. No heartbeat. And my world shattered.
No one gets it.

Am I the only one who feels this way?”


Infertility and Privacy


Infertility Is Being Trapped