Path To Parenthood For the LGBTQ+ Community
There are so many factors that those in the LGBTQ+ community have to consider even before they might contend with infertility, loss, or any other challenges that may arise on their fertility journey.
Chromosomal Translocation
While many undergo fertility treatments because of a medical diagnosis of infertility, others have a different genetic condition or disorders which necessitate IVF to ensure a healthy child.
“Our sex life totally changed when we found out we needed to do IVF/PGD to avoid the BRCA gene”
One of the things we hear over and over again is about the struggles many of you are experiencing about intimacy. Infertility and loss can change so many aspects about a relationship.
“Do we continue to do IVF and deal with all these failed procedures, or do I get pregnant naturally and abort?”
had one baby and was pregnant with another when we discovered we were both carriers for a severe and rare genetic condition. We decided to do IVF and have been unsuccessful for over two years now.
“I am a Carrier for a Genetic Abnormality Called a Robertsonian Translocation”
This story highlights the complexities and emotions that come with a genetic concern; handling the diagnosis, reimagining what your family will look like and dealing with the unknown of it all.
“My Daughter Has an Extremely Rare 3q Chromosome Duplication”
My daughter has an extremely rare 3q chromosome duplication which caused a heart defect, a spinal defect, a lung defect, and developmental delays.
Emotionally Dealing with Fertility and Genetic Concerns is Complex
Dealing with fertility and genetic concerns is complicated, it only makes sense that the emotions that come with it are complicated too. There is no right or wrong way to feel.
5 Reasons People Choose Not To "Do IVF"If They Have a Genetic Concern
Just doing IVF is not so simple for people with genetic concerns. Let’s talk about 5 reasons why someone may not choose to “do IVF” for genetic reasons.
Conversations Knowing You Are a Carrier For a Genetic Disorder
Knowing you are a carrier for a genetic disorder means many potentially uncomfortable conversations in your future. If it’s you, when do you tell a potential partner?
We Found Out That We Are Carriers of Recessive Genetic Condition While Expecting
Here is the next voice from the community written by a follower whose path to parenthood looks different than envisioned due to genetic concerns.
“People Look At Us Like We Got Pregnant With Ease”
This is a voice from the community about genetic screening. Through our work we strive to continue to expand the available support for Jewish families grappling with genetic diagnoses and birth defects.
Another Year. Alone
While this space is geared to those who are struggling to have a child, we often get messages from those who are not even able to try yet, for many different reasons.
Personal Story of Premature Ovarian Failure
“I've learned so much about myself through this journey. I wish it never happened, but at the same time I have grown more than I could have imagined. It is still a lonely place and painful.”
Egg Freezing Does Not Mean You’ve Given Up
PSA: Choosing to freeze your eggs does NOT mean you have given up on yourself, your family, your values. Freezing your eggs give you OPTIONS when you are ready to try to grow your family.
My Personal Experience Freezing Eggs
Ever wondered what it practically looks like to freeze your eggs? While each person’s experience is different, this woman’s story is an empowering look into the egg freezing process itself.
What to Not Say to Someone Freezing Their Eggs
When someone makes a decision to freeze their eggs, it's a HUGE deal. So much went into the decision. And as an outsider, your job is to support, not to question.
Egg Freezing Is Not A Guarantee
Egg freezing is *not* a guarantee that you will have a babyIt is a guarantee that you will have increased options as you get older. Just be clear about that so you don’t have false hope.
The Gift of Egg Retrievals
Powerful words from a place of power. There are no guarantees that every egg frozen will be viable, will create an embryo, or will result in a baby in your arms.
My Egg Freezing Journal Entries
Here is a personal story from a follower about her egg freezing journey while in her 20s. Swipe to read her piece, journal entries of her egg freezing experience ➡️
What To Text Your Friend Who Is Freezing Their Eggs
There's a delicate balance between asking for too much information and being supportive. But if someone lets you in and tells you they are going through it, it's your job to be present and supportive.