85. Wrestling with G-d, Religion and Spirituality Part 1
Chaya Hott joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her anger at G-d, how that’s not something negative or forbidden, but a demonstration of a her relationship with Him, and how she views loss.
Grief and Loss
The stories I have read in the last day were heartbreaking. Thank you all for trusting me with them and sharing your most vulnerable moments with me. This is a reminder that grief changes over time.
Scared To Be Pregnant, Scared To Not Be Pregnant
The years that I kept losing baby after baby are a blur. I don’t remember much about family get-togethers or political events, and large swaths of time are just gone from my memory. What I do remember is the fear.
I can’t accept that I’m pregnant
From a follower: “I have severe anxiety during pregnancy that something isn’t right and if I could I would go to the doctor daily to check on the baby. It’s so hard!!!
“There’s no heartbeat.”
Hearing those words made me feel as if someone punched me in the stomach and I didn’t know how I was ever going to stand up straight again. “There’s no heartbeat” just changes you.
Miscarriage Pain
We often get asked how people can be supportive of those who are going through any kind of fertility challenge, and the answer is always to love them.
Please… Just Talk About Sushi
Please... Just talk about sushi at the shmorg. Or the decor.The dresses that they are wearing. How nice it is to see cousins from the other side of the family. All about Aunt Rachel's new apartment. Your nephew's new job. What your granddaughter is learning in school.
Pretending You’re Okay…
Like many chronic illnesses, endometriosis I is a lot about pretending. Like many other chronic illnesses, #endometriosis is a medical diagnosis, but so much more.
The Most Lonely Disease
I first started having symptoms back when I got my first period at 13. Ever since then, I remember excruciating pain and my Dr telling me to take 2 days off from school each month. And in my young mind I was like, absolutely not. What will I do as an adult with responsibilities? I can’t just take 2 days off from life.
98. The Emotions of Egg Freezing with Nasya Miller
Nasya Miller joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her egg freezing story and all the emotions she experienced during the process, how she started considering freezing her eggs in her early thirties, and her feelings of shame as she started grappling with the idea.
Why Egg Freezing?
Before we jump full feet into this topic, we have to address all the reasons why someone may choose this as an option and why people may NOT choose egg preservation as an option.
How to Respond When Someone Sets a Boundary
It’s not about getting mad, feeling insulted or shut out. It’s the recognition that this person in your life, the one who you love so much, needs something different than what you have been giving. It’s about them…not you.
Don’t Comment On My Body
Don’t comment on people’s bodies. Ever. Maybe their fertility medications are causing them to gain weight. Maybe they just had a loss and haven’t lost the weight. Maybe they are pregnant but they aren’t ready to talk about it yet. You never know what someone is going through, but you can be certain that commenting on their body is never the right move.
Why didn’t they tell me?
I’ve always said, I wish I knew more about amh/fsh when I maybe could have banked some eggs, when I was single and making money, and maybe able to bank. I had no idea that my reserve was low, AND I had been going to a GYN since I’m 12! Every single one of those doctors said I should have no issue getting pregnant.
Ectopic Pregnancy Loss
“I went to the ER with my husband early one morning, waiting till my 5-year-old son had gone off to kindergarten. I assumed that the blinding pain that ran from my lower left quadrant down my leg toward my knee was a repeat of the intestinal infection I’d had a few years earlier…”
Why Adopt?
Don’t automatically assume that adoption is only for those who “fail” treatments. It’s for anyone who wants to give a child a (Jewish) home. It’s the very essence of Tikkun Olam (tikkun olam is the idea that Jews bear responsibility not only for their own moral, spiritual, and material welfare, but also for the welfare of society at large).❤️
Rina’s Coping Tips for Pesach
It’s important to acknowledge that the holidays can be a very challenging time. Here are some quick healthy coping mechanisms to help you get through it, put together by our wonderful support group leader Rina Hennes Sabes.
Ways to Say No
Saying no is a complete sentence. You can say no to taking on more responsibility at work. You can say no if someone tries to show you pictures of their baby.
Loss is Loss
Pregnancy loss is a loss regardless of the nature. Comments like "you must be thankful to be alive" or "at least you know you can get pregnant" are extremely painful and can undermine the true pain of the loss.
Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL), Ectopic Pregnancy, & Molar Pregnancy
We know losing a pregnancy for any reason is horrible, painful, and emotional. We would love to hear from those of you who experienced any of these three types of pregnancy loss.