Why didn’t they tell me?
I’ve always said, I wish I knew more about amh/fsh when I maybe could have banked some eggs, when I was single and making money, and maybe able to bank. I had no idea that my reserve was low, AND I had been going to a GYN since I’m 12! Every single one of those doctors said I should have no issue getting pregnant.
Episode 55: Impacting the Fertility World with Zoe Clark-Coates
Zoe Clark-Coates, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her heartbreaking fertility journey, her role in one of the most successful campaigns to change government policy around these issues and the four books she has written for those who are grieving.
68. Infertility and Fierce Advocacy with Risa Levine
Risa Levine, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own personal story, how her marriage failed in the middle of her own IVF journey and how she worked to change the lives of so many struggling to have a baby.