Day 8: Worthy of Rest
You ARE worthy of a nap, a break, and some time off. You deserve it. Pat yourself on the back for getting through whatever life has thrown at you. Because this stuff is hard. Really, really hard.
Day 5: Worthy of Hugs
The fertility community also knows that sometimes a hug is the answer when there isn’t anything good to say. But it can have so many other benefits... *Hugs can make you happier.*
Day 4: Worthy of Love
Even if your body and/or mind are betraying you, you shouldn’t loathe your own self, your own body. They say you can only control yourself - we argue that you can’t even fully control that.
Day 3: Worthy of Praise
Your advice, while seemingly harmless, only serves as a way to tell me I did something wrong. It tells me that you believe I could have caused this situation with something I did (or didn’t do).
Day 2: Worthy of Trust
Trust goes both ways in the fertility community. When you're struggling, you want to know that the person you chose to listen to your problems can hold and support you without judgment.
Day 1: Worthy of Inclusion
DAY 1 I am worthy of not being excluded. Includes suggestions for how to make your Chanukah space inclusive this year. Small gestures go a long way into making people feel more included.
8 Days of Worthiness
We offer you IWSTHAB’s 8 Days Of Worthiness. No matter where you are on this journey, you are worthy of it all. You are worthy of expecting others to treat you with kindness.
Empowered Passover
9 things you can say to family or friends to make you feel empowered during Passover (and always!). “I won’t be able to make it. Something came up.”
Crazy Things Heard Over Passover
Crazy things followers have heard from friends and family over Passover. We wish we were making these up. These. Are. Awful. Period. Sending you all love
Yearning on Pesach
No one is saying that you can't complain. No one is saying that parenting isn't hard. Being on the receiving end of these kinds of messages/posts for the last 10 days can be hard for anyone struggling to have a baby.
Every Milestone
This is a peek into what holidays and milestones feel like when you are experiencing infertility. Another year without a baby.
Words of Chizuk for New Year
Thank you Rav Johnny Solomon (@rabbijohnnysolomon) for sharing these beautiful words that perfectly capture the essence of our work and why I am so grateful for every contribution we received.
September Reminder
Reminder: Please don’t make your friends who are single/don’t have kids/don’t have as many kids as you feel less-than with comments about how stressful and crazy your life is because of your children.
High Holiday Haze
“As the Yom Tov (holiday) season begins to set in and everyone begins the countdown to Rosh Hashana, I want to crawl under my covers and hibernate for a few months.”
5 Ways You Can Set Boundaries
Swipe to read five practical tips regarding setting boundaries on Rosh Hashana and every other day. What else would you add to this list? How do you set boundaries for yourself?
Struggling with Relationship with G-d
One of the pieces that makes this time of year so difficult is the heaviness. Reminder: You are allowed to struggle with your relationship with G-d. even during the High Holidays.
Rosh Hashana With Empty Arms
Last year I sat in shul hopeful but here we are, another year with empty arms. How am supposed to face G-d when he didn’t anser my prayers?
F*** Hashem & F*** Segulos
“ I am so so done. So finished when people always say Hashem this and Hashem that. He can go ******** because I am done. It’s so not fair. I hate G-d.”
Shofar Of Infertility
“The shofar’s sounds accomplish many things: it awakens us, expresses our cries, inspires us, and tells the story of our matriarchs and heroines that we read on Rosh Hashana.”
Rosh Hashana is a Funny Holiday
Rosh Hashana is a funny holiday because after we spend 3 hours in shul crying and begging for a baby, we head over to a friend’s house for lunch and talk about which apple is the best.