Day 5: Worthy of Hugs

COVID has left many of us in No-Touch zones with our friends and/or loved ones. If we have kids or a spouse, we have the benefit of always having touch and hugs. If we live alone or don’t have children, this can be harder to come by.

The fertility community also knows that sometimes a hug is the answer when there isn’t anything good to say.

But it can have so many other benefits...

*Hugs can make you happier.*

Oxytocin is a chemical in our bodies that scientists sometimes call the “cuddle hormone.” This is because its levels rise when we hug, touch, or sit close to someone else. Oxytocin causes a reduction in blood pressure and of the stress hormone norepinephrine - and is therefore associated with happiness and less stress.

Scientists say that giving another person support through touch can reduce the stress of the person being comforted. It can even reduce the stress of the person doing the comforting.

*Hugs help reduce fears.*

Touch can reduce anxiety in people with low self-esteem. Touch can also keep people from isolating themselves when reminded of their mortality.
In one study, even touching an inanimate object (hugging a teddy bear) helped reduce people’s fears about their existence.

*Hugs help you communicate with others.*

Most human communication occurs verbally or through facial expressions. But touch is another important way that people can send messages to one another.

You are worthy of getting lots of hugs.


Day 8: Worthy of Rest


Day 4: Worthy of Love