144. My Infertility Story: Lessons from Chana and Penina with Tee Simpser
Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

144. My Infertility Story: Lessons from Chana and Penina with Tee Simpser

Tee Simpser joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her 6 years of primary infertility, heartbreaking disappointments, life-threatening complications and all kinds of insensitive comments and how she saw herself in the Chana/Penina story from the Book of Shmuel (book of Samuel), as she longed to be a mother, while watching everyone else around her get pregnant.

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145. Exploring the Emotions of the Struggle to Have A Baby with Aliza Tropper, LMHC
Emotional Support, Infertility Aimee Baron Emotional Support, Infertility Aimee Baron

145. Exploring the Emotions of the Struggle to Have A Baby with Aliza Tropper, LMHC

Aliza Tropper, LMHC, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the emotions that come up during the quest to build a family, the guilt, shame, sadness, anxiety, inadequacy, etc., and how they manifest, and suggestions on how to make these deep feelings more manageable, like self-soothing, mini-breaks, reaching out for support and even medication if things become too overwhelming.

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137. Why Infertility Is So Isolating with Rabbi Elchanan Poupko
Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

137. Why Infertility Is So Isolating with Rabbi Elchanan Poupko

Rabbi Elchanan Poupko joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his recent piece about the insensitivity in the orthodox community to people who are struggling to have a child, his personal story of infertility and the pain he and his wife carried for all those years, and how their infertility challenges made him a passionate voice for those who are still in the trenches.

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Mother’s Day Necklace
Aimee Baron Aimee Baron

Mother’s Day Necklace

“My necklace” An submission for mother’s day by a woman with her reflection of being a mother even without holding a baby and acknowledging all the work it took to get her to where she is.

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Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Infertility Aimee Baron Infertility Aimee Baron

Diminished Ovarian Reserve

“We’ve tried different protocols, tried doing some natural remedies, tried over 4 clinics. It’s been 10 IVF retrievals so far. We spent thousands of dollars. And my daughter is still our only child.”

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