Mental Health While Trying to Conceive

Did you know that people suffering from infertility are dealing with depression, anxiety, and divorce much higher than the nation averages?

The National Average Rate for people who suffer from Depression is 8%. And the average for anxiety is 19%.

But when you are dealing with infertility, you might experience depression 7x more than the national average and anxiety 3x the national average 💔 Studies show after a miscarriage, 30-50% of women experience anxiety and 10-15% experience depression, typically lasting up to four months.

But while it’s “normal” to be going through all of these challenges while trying to have a baby, you don’t have to do it alone. And that’s where we come in.

All this week, we are going to be talking about different aspects of mental health and fertility, so join us 💞


141. Pain Doesn’t End…or Does it? with Chavie Bruk


Grief, like love, cannot be quantified