Surviving Mother’s Day
Our experts from the Global Jewish Fertility Support Summit shared so many invaluable pieces of advice, including tips for surviving Mother’s Day.
Questioning Yourself
These are some of the most common comments that people say to make you question yourself, including “You are too sensitive, you are overreacting.”
When People Don’t Take You Seriously
Feeling like you aren’t being taken seriously adds to the sense of isolation and loneliness that already exists from infertility, grief, and loss.
Medical Gaslighting
Medical gaslighting is a phenomenon where individuals seeking medical care are dismissed by healthcare professionals.
Stop Gaslighting Yourself
Just like how you should not allow anyone else to gaslight you and make you feel less-than and unheard, don’t speak to yourself this way!
Pretending to be OK
We see all of you who are struggling to make it through each day and put on a smile even when you feel like you can barely breathe.
Every Milestone
This is a peek into what holidays and milestones feel like when you are experiencing infertility. Another year without a baby.
Productive Jealousy
Jealousy is a deeply natural and human emotion and it is very hard to avoid. Within our community there are a myriad of reasons people may feel jealous.
Thoughts During The Wait
It’s hard to put all 5,000 thoughts that run through our minds during the two week wait into one graphic. But we tried to capture the essence.
Surviving the Two Week Wait
Remember to take care of yourself during the wait… even if all you really want to do is hide in bed and take a test every hour.
“Just do IVF!”
Today is World IVF Day so here is your reminder that IVF, while miraculous, is not for everyone. It is physically, mentally, and financially taxing and doesn't always work.
Molar Pregnancy and Chemo
This is the a story of molar pregnancy. Please read with kindness and sensitivity in your heart, because this woman is in deep pain.
Ectopic Pregnancy Trauma
Read one woman's story about an extopic pregnancy and needing mental health support 10 years later because of the trauma it caused.
Every Step is Emotional
Swipe to read through our next voice from the community. This raw piece submitted by a follower highlights that every moment during a fertility journey is emotional - there are low lows and high highs.
We Are Here For You
We want to remind you that no matter where you are on your journey, we are here for you: if you endured the storm, are in the middle of the storm, or chose to walk away from the storms.
What To Say Instead of F*** Off
You know when you reaaalllllyyyy wanna tell somebody off but can’t? Here’s some alternatives that will do just the trick. Examples of things to say instead of f*** off.
Turner’s Syndrome & Hope
This next voice from the community is from a follower, Jessica about her experience with Turner’s syndrome and egg donation. She writes about hope and strength.
Kvatter Etiquette
Kicking off this week’s posts of Voices From The Community with this piece about being asked to be kvatter at a bris. This follower shares some tips about asking someone to be kvatter in a sensitive way.
Another Month
Read this woman’s vulnerable piece about waiting and hoping every month for a baby. “Another month of shattered hopes and dreams, another month that I’m torn and tattered at the seams.”
The Definition of Strength
Another voice from the community. This is a piece about strength. “It’s funny how people see the word strong, everyone has their own definition of strength”