How The IWSTHAB Community Is Feeling Right Now
We see you. We know the pain and emotions are real, raw, and even confusing right now. We are here for you.
Voices From The community - Infertility During Wartime
We are hearing from so many of you living in Israel and abroad about how challenging it is to process the war in Israel right now along with your own infertility, losses and grief.
We are not okay
We are not okay. We are shaken. Tired. Sad. Depressed. Overwhelmed. We are terrified over what is happening in Israel right now.
How to Support: Don’t Forget About Those Struggling
We know that people tend to forget about those who are in it for the long haul. It’s much “easier” to show up for someone in a crisis.
How to Support: 10 Ways
Okay, I admit it. I screwed up. I was supposed to post the last reel to the feed, but I forgot that the cover didn’t match my pattern, so I took it off the main page. I know. A bit perfectionist, but whatevs…
How to Support: Things to Say
When someone loses a baby, they don’t want platitudes or toxic positivity. The power of support and validation is incredible.
How to Support: All They Want Is You
To all of you out there trying to figure out which fuzzy blanket to buy, just remember- all they really want is you. The item you send is just a manifestation of your love, so it actually doesn’t matter what it is.
How to Support: Support Mindset
H/t to @megan_rose_lane
How to Support: 59 Things to Talk About Other Than Babies and Kids
Here are 59 things you can talk about that have nothing to do with pregnancy, babies or children, so you can make everyone feel comfortable.
Pregnancy Announcements Trigger
We read all your comments and DMs across all our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tik Tok) and reviewed the poll from our Instagram story yesterday. We tallied up all your responses and categorized them into a few categories.
You Should Tell Them
What’s the difference between secrecy and privacy?Privacy refers to your personal boundaries about your history, thoughts, opinions, and experiences separate from your partner and relationship. Secrecy, on the other hand, involves something that you are intentionally hiding.
How to Tell
The IWSTHAB community speaks! We've complied a carousel of all your suggestions on how and when you should tell your person that you are pregnant.
Texting vs. In-person
For those of you are pregnant, do you think news like this should only be shared face-to-face? Do you want to want to share with your whole family at once, during a holiday, get-together or family celebration/simcha?
84. Singledom and Circumstantial Infertility with Chanie Wassner
Chanie Wassner joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the unfairness of modern society placing undue emphasis on a women’s fertility, egg freezing and why it’s not all it’s cracked up to be (see what I did there?), and the perils of single parenthood.
83. Halachic Infertility with Jenna Bishop Sharp
Jenna Bishop Sharp joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about growing up in a secular home and her return to Judaism in college, how her cycle shifted over time, and missing her fertile window because of taharas hamishpacha.
68. Infertility and Fierce Advocacy with Risa Levine
Risa Levine, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own personal story, how her marriage failed in the middle of her own IVF journey and how she worked to change the lives of so many struggling to have a baby.
44. Gay Jewish Moms with Sydney and Brit Sharon
Sydney and Brit Sharon, join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about their lives and their journey to build their family, their IUI process, how they picked their donor sperm, and why they loved that process, and the legality of having two moms and what that might mean for their children.
35. Tokophobia with Yehudit Kosowsky
Yehudit Kosowsky, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about tokophobia (the fear of getting pregnant), how it affected her journey, and her story about overcoming her fears.
29. Living with Endometriosis with Leah and Michaela
Leah and Michaela, join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how they were diagnosed with endometriosis, how this illness affected fertility and how they handled the emotional aspects of living with and managing chronic pain.
23. My Primary Infertility Struggle with Adelle Bryski
Adelle Bryski, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her pain and struggle with primary infertility, a window into what her life is like and her Instagram account.