Another Year. Alone
Singles Aimee Baron Singles Aimee Baron

Another Year. Alone

While this space is geared to those who are struggling to have a child, we often get messages from those who are not even able to try yet, for many different reasons.

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The Grief of Being Single
Singles Aimee Baron Singles Aimee Baron

The Grief of Being Single

We heard a lot during the live with @pharmieinthecity about the idea of 'disenfranchised grief'. Bereavement expert Kenneth Doka coined the term in 1989 to capture this feeling of loss that no one seems to understand and that you don't feel entitled to.

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Anonymous Single
Singles Aimee Baron Singles Aimee Baron

Anonymous Single

Those who suffer with circumstantial infertility also really struggle this time of year. People who are single, divorced, dealing with a medical or mental health challenge, financial constraints, marital difficulties, etc., aren't even in the position to try to have a baby, and are often left out when we think about to whom we should be sensitive.

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