Episode 15: Body Image and Fertility with Rachel Tuchman, LMHC
Rachel Tuchman, LMHC, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about body compassion, acceptance, and ow to advocate to your healthcare providers.
Episode 55: Impacting the Fertility World with Zoe Clark-Coates
Zoe Clark-Coates, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her heartbreaking fertility journey, her role in one of the most successful campaigns to change government policy around these issues and the four books she has written for those who are grieving.
Episode 47: Expectations, Pain, and Adoption with Chavie Bruk
Chavie Bruk, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about dealing with unmet expectations and how to have a mindset shift, leaning in and feeling the pain and the good and hard things about being an adoptive parent.
Episode 57: International Adoption with Cynthia Darrison
Cynthia Darrison, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the hurdles to adopt a baby girl from China, how her community accepted her daughter, Rachel, and what advice she gives to would-be singles and couples wanting to adopt.
Episode 26: I'm an Adoption Mama of Two with Yettie Katz
Yettie Katz, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her 25 years of infertility, her adoption process and the difference between jealousy and envy.
20. IVF For Genetic Reasons with Rochel Lazar
Rochel Lazar joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her personal fertility journey, and how shidduchim (matchmaking) in the Jewish community played a role in the secrecy.
93. All About Genetic Testing with Estie Rose
Estie Rose MS, CGC, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about genetic testing, carrier testing and cancer screening as it relates to fertility and why genetic testing is important and why she recommends doing it before getting married/thinking about getting pregnant.
94. Talking Genetic Testing with Shaindy Siegel
Shaindy Siegel joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her oldest child that was born with a rare genetic disorder for which both she and her husband are carriers, raising awareness for genetic testing and the shame that still exists in pockets of the Jewish community.
115. My Journey as a Surrogate with Carrie Bornstein
Carrie Bornstein joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her experiences as a surrogate , the thoughts and feelings that led to her decision to become a surrogate, the agency she worked with, the legal process, and the matching that takes place.
118. Surrogacy Panel with Aliza Konig, Reena Bloom and Chana Shaffer
Aliza Konig, Reena Bloom and Chana Shaffer join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about what brought them to surrogacy, how they navigated that journey, how they managed their family and friends during the process and how Reena and Chana had previous pregnancies, and surrogacy was chosen as a miraculous way they could grow their families.
105. Surrogacy: From Empty Womb to Full Heart with Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler
Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her surrogacy story filled with laughs, pain, and everything in between and the guilt that came along with not being able to carry her own child.
119. My Surrogacy Story with Elisheva Levitt
Elisheva Levitt joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the surrogacy story of her twins, who were born after three heartbreaking pregnancy losses and years of searching for a surrogate and the pregnancy of her first child that left her with a blood incompatibility and her body attacked any subsequent attempts to try to bring another baby into this world.
Parshas Chayei Sarah
Good Shabbos ❤️ thinking of you all and holding space for you!
Why Do People Adopt?
Many people adopt because they *want to* not just because they are infertile 🫶 As we close out our discussion about adoption we want to remind you that family is family no matter what.
8 Things Jewish Adoptees Want You To Know
What are some things that Jewish adoptees and families wish their communities knew? This eye-opening resource comes from the Adoption and Jewish Identity Project @adoptionjewishidentity which was borne out of research they did, from surveys and oral histories they took from a diverse group of Jewish adoptees raised in American Jewish families.
Don’t Put Life on Hold
If you are considering adoption, or if you are still waiting for happens next, don't stop living in the meantime. There is so much life to be lived before your story ends.
Behind the Scenes
Even if you choose to adopt, there is nothing that is simple about the process. We share these complexities so *you* can arm yourselves. Even after people adopt, there can be lingering grief and trauma around the so many of these issues.
“Just Adopt”
November is Adoption Awareness Month. So this is a perfect time to remind everyone… It’s tempting to tell people that adoption would *so* much easier than the 6th round of IVF or going through another miscarriage.
DON’T do that thing tomorrow. DON’T give it your all. DON’T be strong. Rest isn’t laziness. Rest isn’t failure. Rest isn’t giving up. Rest is saying that you need a break from the world right now.
Having More Babies…
The world feels so scary, so dark, so lonely right now. I received this message and I had to share it with you all because I want you to know that if you feel the same way, that’s normal.