Election Day
The very nature of infertility is that you don't have the power to change what the future holds. You can eat a healthy diet, manage your stress, do everything the doctor says, and still not have a baby.
Checking In
Shoutout to all of you checking in on your friends. Our thoughts: Keep texting them, especially when things aren't okay. Just don't expect a reply - They'll respond when they are ready. So keep checking in on all your friends.
Israel Support Sessions
For more information please contact info@iwassupposedtohaveababy.org 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
The Sun Always Rises
This time of year can feel like a transition into darkness. But the sun always rises. Look for the light ❤️ You got this. And we are here for you.
Parshas Vayera
Parshas Vayera
Praying of you all and for a peaceful Shabbos ❤️
It’s not always about manicures, fuzzy blankets and scented candles. Sometimes it’s just about self-preservation ❤️
You Don’t See The Whole Story
You Don’t See The Whole Story… Just a reminder that you never truly know what someone is dealing with.
Put A Finger Down
Is this about fertility or is this about the crisis overseas… or both? 🫶🫶🫶 Holding space for you all.
War and Infertility Emotions
Navigating the situation overseas with our personal struggles is challenging. There are a lot of emotions, and maybe feelings of neglect. Life keeps moving even when the world seems to be crumbling around you. We see those of you struggling with balancing all these feelings and all the hurt.
Shapes of Grief
Swipe to see just a handful of examples of the different types of grief a person may experience on their fertility journey. All painful. All valid. Holding space for you all.
Voices From The Community: Grief
Grief is deep. Grief is more than missing the person you’ve lost. It’s about everything else you’ve lost as a result. It’s about accepting a different future than you pictured for yourself. Swipe to read this voice from the community about losing a family member and reimagining a future family without him.
Why me?
Loss doesn’t have to “make you stronger. You don’t have to “grow” from the pain. With loss, all there is to do is survive and make it through each day. Don’t worry about doing it “right” because there is no “right.”
Male Infertility and Loss
Some men cry, some men get angry, some men talk about their pain… And some men don’t. And that is perfectly okay. Let him know you are there for him but then let him process in his own way. Even if that means that he doesn’t seem to process it at all.
8 Ways to Remember and Memorialize Your Baby
Here are 8 ways you can remember your baby. These are rituals that people in the IWSTHAB and loss communities do to help them memorialize and honor their babies. How do you remember your baby?
Voices From The Community: Loss
Swipe to read this vulnerable and raw voice from the community about her pregnancy loss. The grief. The pain. The horror. And these emotions don’t just go away.
Love Languages
My love languages… I think it’s a pretty good list. What do you *really* want right now? What helps when you are experiencing loss and other hardships?
Ways to Support Someone Through a Loss
Here are some ways you can support someone who lost a baby. What are some other things you have done to support a loved one? What ways do you like to be supported?
Make Jewish Babies Part 1
The sentiment to make more Jewish babies and have more Jewish weddings right now is not inherently a bad sentiment. It's just that for people who can't do those things, it can be triggering and alienating.
Make Jewish Babies Part 2
Someone sent me this message and I just had to share it because I'm sure there are others feeling the same way. There is a desire to DO SOMETHING right now. Everyone is asking: how can I help? Please know that even if you cannot bring more Jewish babies into the world right now, there are other ways you can help.
Focus On What You Can Control
Whether you are struggling to get pregnant. Whether you can’t carry a pregnancy. Whether you lost your baby. Whether the world is falling apart. You may be feeling a sense of helplessness. So much is out of our control. The only thing we can control is how we respond.