119. My Surrogacy Story with Elisheva Levitt


On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Elisheva Levitt joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

  • the surrogacy story of her twins, who were born after three heartbreaking pregnancy losses and years of searching for a surrogate

  • the pregnancy of her first child that left her with a blood incompatibility and her body attacked any subsequent attempts to try to bring another baby into this world

  • how she and her husband began researching surrogacy as their last resort to try to build the family

  • how she got through all her losses, the miraculous story of finding her surrogate, about the pregnancy, and how she told her children about their birth story

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105. Surrogacy: From Empty Womb to Full Heart with Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler


Parshas Chayei Sarah