68. Infertility and Fierce Advocacy with Risa Levine
Risa Levine, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own personal story, how her marriage failed in the middle of her own IVF journey and how she worked to change the lives of so many struggling to have a baby.
44. Gay Jewish Moms with Sydney and Brit Sharon
Sydney and Brit Sharon, join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about their lives and their journey to build their family, their IUI process, how they picked their donor sperm, and why they loved that process, and the legality of having two moms and what that might mean for their children.
35. Tokophobia with Yehudit Kosowsky
Yehudit Kosowsky, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about tokophobia (the fear of getting pregnant), how it affected her journey, and her story about overcoming her fears.
29. Living with Endometriosis with Leah and Michaela
Leah and Michaela, join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how they were diagnosed with endometriosis, how this illness affected fertility and how they handled the emotional aspects of living with and managing chronic pain.
23. My Primary Infertility Struggle with Adelle Bryski
Adelle Bryski, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her pain and struggle with primary infertility, a window into what her life is like and her Instagram account.
17. Perspective Taking with Aliza Abrams Konig
Aliza Abrams Konig, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her experience getting married as an older single, not being able to have children when she wanted and how to get through rough patches.
1. Laughing Through Infertility with Karen Jeffries
Karen Jeffries joins Aimee Baron, MD to chat about being a teacher during the pandemic and how she uses comedy to help her through difficult times.
Circumstantial Infertility - Waiting for the Right Time
"I really resonate with this circumstantial infertility concept. I waited much longer than I wanted to for my first because my husband was in school, and he didn’t want to try yet. When we finally did, I had a miscarriage but then thankfully got pregnant again right away.
The Grief of Being Single
We heard a lot during the live with @pharmieinthecity about the idea of 'disenfranchised grief'. Bereavement expert Kenneth Doka coined the term in 1989 to capture this feeling of loss that no one seems to understand and that you don't feel entitled to.
Shalom Bayit
Sometimes, prioritizing our physical health and safety means not getting pregnant again. Hearing these words can be incredibly heartbreaking…
Grief Is Weird
Grief is just weird. It’s all of these things and more. And no, you’re not the crazy one; It’s everyone else.
It’s Normal To…When You’re Struggling To Have a Baby
It’s normal to have your emotions run high when you’re trying to have a baby. Whatever you are dealing with all these things above… are NORMAL.
79. All Things Grief with Sarah Rivkah Kohn
Sarah Rivka Kohn joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own experiences with loss, the stigma surrounding infertility and loss and insensitive comments made to those who are grieving.
5. Grief with Yonina Kaufman, LCSW, MSED
Yonina Kaufman, LCSW, MSED joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about what is typical in the grieving process and how to support your friend or loved one.
32. That Good Grief with Rachel Reichblum
Rachel Reichblum, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her journey through the world of grief, the universality of grief, and how religion affected her thoughts and choices.
22. Stillbirth Support with Chumi Friedman
Chumi Friedman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about different aspects of stillbirth support, in relation to Jewish law, decisions and choices that a couple grapples with from the moment they receive the bad news and more.
Circumstantial Infertility - Ariella Kamen (Gordon)
Another form of circumstantial infertility is when someone does not have the parts required to get pregnant. This could be due to MRKH, Turner syndrome (where the ovaries are underdeveloped) or other such situations. As always, please be kind, as you never know what someone else is going through.