It’s Normal To…When You’re Struggling To Have a Baby

It’s normal to have your emotions run high when you’re trying to have a baby. Whether you are dealing with infertility, loss, pregnancy after loss, TFMR, or trying to build your family through donor conception, surrogacy or adoption, there will inevitably be bumps in the road. So all these things above… NORMAL.

And do you know what else is normal?
going back and forth between these emotions, all in one day!

I remember some days waking up and not having an appetite, but by lunchtime I was STARVING. And then other times when I couldn't stop crying, and then later in the day I was so numb that I just sat on my couch staring in space.

Every bit of this is normal. Give yourself the grace and space to be able to feel what you need...without judgment.


Grief Is Weird


79. All Things Grief with Sarah Rivkah Kohn