Circumstantial Infertility - Ariella Kamen (Gordon)


Another form of circumstantial infertility is when someone does not have the parts required to get pregnant. This could be due to MRKH, Turner syndrome (where the ovaries are underdeveloped) or other such situations. As always, please be kind, as you never know what someone else is going through."

Words from Ariella Kamen (Gordon) @ariellazkamen

"Walls might keep the danger out, but they keep the pain in.

I've been dreaming of this letter for years now. I’ve spent so many hours dreaming; it’s hard to know when I’m asleep and when I’m awake.

I’ve always thought I would wait for the 'right time' to share my story with everyone- but the older I get, and the farther along I am on my journey- I’ve realized that there is no 'right time.'

Sharing this will never feel ‘right’ and I will never feel truly ready.

But the thing is, I’ve been hurting. And I’m tired of being hurt.

My hope with sharing is that I will get hurt less often and that people can be sensitive and respectful of our privacy.

I know that I will still get hurt.

It is inevitable.

But I hope this will help.

A little.

At least.

And for others.

That are not yet at the stage that I’m now at.

Where the pain inside the wall is worse than what is outside.

And so I’m breaking the wall.

I have a syndrome called MRKH - I was born without a uterus.

I’ve had so many years of ups and downs. It’s been quite a journey. I’ll share it all eventually.

But today I’m focusing on the present.

Corey and I are extremely humbled recipients of Hashem’s chessed - His kindness.

We’ve paused our medical school studies and moved to Birmingham, Alabama where we are currently listed for a Uterus Transplant.

I hope to share more information at points in the future! For now, this is what feels right. (If ‘right’ feels like my stomach is literally outside of my body.)
I may answer questions or messages privately- though, at the moment, I’m not promising anything.

This is a fairly new procedure and of course, we would love and appreciate everyone’s tefillos- prayers and mitzvos- good deeds.

Ariella bas Malka"

Isabel Kateman

Isabel Kateman is a Squarespace web designer and brand strategist. She loves chai lattes and cozy sweaters, is passionate about rescue dogs, and is currently trying to curb her purse obsession.

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