Emotions of IVF for Genetic Reasons
It’s hard to put all 5,000 thoughts that run through our minds during the two week wait into one graphic. But we tried to capture the essence.
Neurofibromatosis and IVF
“Once I got to high school, it was probably about 11th or 12th grade where my parents told me I would have to go through IVF to have kids. In my mind I was like, ‘Okay- No big deal.”
Living with a Scream Inside You
Imagine living with a scream inside you and the scream is yours and no one else can hear it. Pain is pain is pain. And we’ll hold space for ALL of you.
Chromosomal Translocation
While many undergo fertility treatments because of a medical diagnosis of infertility, others have a different genetic condition or disorders which necessitate IVF to ensure a healthy child.
“Our sex life totally changed when we found out we needed to do IVF/PGD to avoid the BRCA gene”
One of the things we hear over and over again is about the struggles many of you are experiencing about intimacy. Infertility and loss can change so many aspects about a relationship.
“Do we continue to do IVF and deal with all these failed procedures, or do I get pregnant naturally and abort?”
had one baby and was pregnant with another when we discovered we were both carriers for a severe and rare genetic condition. We decided to do IVF and have been unsuccessful for over two years now.
“I am a Carrier for a Genetic Abnormality Called a Robertsonian Translocation”
This story highlights the complexities and emotions that come with a genetic concern; handling the diagnosis, reimagining what your family will look like and dealing with the unknown of it all.
Emotionally Dealing with Fertility and Genetic Concerns is Complex
Dealing with fertility and genetic concerns is complicated, it only makes sense that the emotions that come with it are complicated too. There is no right or wrong way to feel.
5 Reasons People Choose Not To "Do IVF"If They Have a Genetic Concern
Just doing IVF is not so simple for people with genetic concerns. Let’s talk about 5 reasons why someone may not choose to “do IVF” for genetic reasons.
Conversations Knowing You Are a Carrier For a Genetic Disorder
Knowing you are a carrier for a genetic disorder means many potentially uncomfortable conversations in your future. If it’s you, when do you tell a potential partner?
We Found Out That We Are Carriers of Recessive Genetic Condition While Expecting
Here is the next voice from the community written by a follower whose path to parenthood looks different than envisioned due to genetic concerns.
“People Look At Us Like We Got Pregnant With Ease”
This is a voice from the community about genetic screening. Through our work we strive to continue to expand the available support for Jewish families grappling with genetic diagnoses and birth defects.
Being BRCA-positive and Navigating IVF
We are deeply moved by this story about being BRCA2-positive and navigating IVF that was shared with us recently.
109. A Man’s Perspective on Infertility and Loss with Daniel Landau
Daniel Landau joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his story of needing to do IVF for genetic reasons and all the difficult emotions surrounding that and his path to starting an organization for solely to support men, Men's Helpline, which has a podcast, peer-to-peer support network other resources to help males in crisis.
20. IVF For Genetic Reasons with Rochel Lazar
Rochel Lazar joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her personal fertility journey, and how shidduchim (matchmaking) in the Jewish community played a role in the secrecy.