Conflicting Emotions in Surrogacy

As with anything we talk about at IWSTHAB, there are multiple sides to every experience. This post highlights the many sides of the emotions one may experience throughout a surrogacy journey.

In the fertility space, there are complex (and sometimes conflicting emotions) and when it comes to surrogacy this can look like…

❤️appreciation and jealousy
❤️hope and fear
❤️joy and pain

Learning to create space for every emotion and allowing them to coexist can be exceptionally challenging.

So if you are struggling with all the feels, we see you. And this is your reminder that any emotion is valid. Because, this is hard. Even if it’s also exciting. Both emotions can exist at once 🫂

#surrogate #surrogatejourney #surrogacy #jewishsurrogate #mentalhealth #jewlousy #hope #grateful #loss #infertility #fertilitytreatment #ivf


You Can’t Keep Surrogacy a Secret


“It’s Hard For My Husband As Well”