143. Busting Myths Around Treatment Options Before, During and After Pregnancy with Esther Rollhaus, MD
Esther Rollhaus, MD, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about all aspects of reproductive psychiatry, the reasons why someone would reach out, how meds are used as an adjunct to therapy, and myths about medication.
Therapy and G-d
So, keep G-d a part of your life, if He is already there, but don’t forgo therapy because you think G-d will take care of you. Because He can’t... until you start to help yourself.
Do I Need Therapy?
We’ve spent a lot of time discussing many different aspects of this, touching on topics like support groups, medication, setting boundaries, toxic positivity, self care, etc.
When Your Provider is Visibly Pregnant
How do you navigate through finding out your healthcare provider, the one who is supposed to help YOU have a baby, is pregnant themselves?
Therapy Is a Tool
Not everyone who goes through difficult times needs therapy. However, there is no reason to suffer through a hard time if you are really struggling.