Emotions of TFMR
TFMR (termination for medical reasons - needing to end a wanted pregnancy for health reasons of either the mother or the fetus) is NOT an uncommon pregnancy loss - It is just UNCOMMONLY TALKED about…WHY?

Termination for Medical Reasons: “It’s Been A Year”
“It's been a year since I saw the flicker of the heartbeat on the screen. A year since I heard the heartbeat and allowed myself to dream.”

Personal Story of Termination For Medical Reasons
Abbie Sophia’s personal story of IVF, loss, TFMR, and more. “Oh by the way I was supposed to have twins. I had to terminate one.”

Termination For Medical Reasons and Grief
“Why does no one talk about the grief one feels after terminating a child? I’ve been carrying it with me for years. All our friends and family knew were were having a spring baby.”

Mourning Termination For Medical Reasons with Twins
Abbie Sophia has been featured on this page before, talking about her infertility, loss and twin pregnancy. Now, she elaborates on her experience with termination.

Living with a Scream Inside You
Imagine living with a scream inside you and the scream is yours and no one else can hear it. Pain is pain is pain. And we’ll hold space for ALL of you.

Types of Guilt In Infertility
Unfortunately, guilt is a part of infertility. It’s a feeling of having done something wrong, whether real or imagined.

Termination for Medical Reasons Personal Story
A women’s TFMR story and how her experience was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with her having to do everything alone.

Termination For Medical Reasons Is Not Uncommon
TFMR (termination for medical reasons - needing to end a wanted pregnancy for health reasons of either the mother or the fetus) is NOT an uncommon pregnancy loss - It is just UNCOMMONLY TALKED about…WHY?

Termination For Medical Reasons Future Survival Guide
Story of TFMR. “I’ve debated for a while if I should share our story or not, as my husband and I are not the type to share an intimate part of our lives.”

Shapes of Grief
Swipe to see just a handful of examples of the different types of grief a person may experience on their fertility journey. All painful. All valid. Holding space for you all.