I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Mourning During Covid

“Do I have a right to mourn? Now? During this pandemic?
People are dying. People who are loved. People with families. Sick. Alone in hospitals. People with businesses shut down. Fighting for their life. Machines pumping air into their lungs.

Children left without a parent. Siblings losing siblings. Spouses now widowed. Grandparents taken too soon.

Where does that leave me?
I’m healthy. My family is safe. I’m not dying. We have food to eat. A place to call home. And yet I feel like I can’t breathe.

The world is in a pandemic but does that make my pain any less?

In this darkness I saw light. I saw a future. Life was growing inside me. Until it wasn’t.
So I mourn the life that isn’t.
I grieve the future I thought we were creating.
I cry for the emptiness inside.

I let the tears fall. For if I can’t be kind to myself, I can’t be kind to others.

And through my tears I pray for what I thought was. I pray for peace and health. I pray for those suffering from the pandemic. I pray for the world to heal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
From my pain I will heal. From my suffering I will ask God to ease all those suffering. Because I have a right to mourn.
My pain is not any less or more than your pain.
It’s my pain and I will feel it until it’s through.” - S.S.

Grateful for the words from S.S. Thank you for putting the feelings of so many on “paper” and perfectly expressing what so many are going through.
Yes, you have a right to grieve. You all do. A loss is a loss is a loss.