“This Covid Thing Sucks”
I’ve been been getting a lot of messages lately from those of you with pregnancy anxiety, and how it’s compounded by the fact that you can’t have anyone with you at your doctor visits.
Secondary Infertility and Age Gaps
. It’s been “easy” (😕) to deal with your situation, but to have your aloneness on display, while watching everyone else parade with their families has been a big adjustment.
Mourning During Covid
And through my tears I pray for what I thought was. I pray for peace and health. I pray for those suffering from the pandemic. I pray for the world to heal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Grief During Quarantine
“I had a 7 week loss right after all of society went into quarantine and it’s been the loneliest period of my life. I know that it’s a crazy time.”
Miscarriage During A Pandemic
“This pregnancy was a surprise, this baby was my light at the end of the tunnel. My company during the long, hard days. My motivation to stick something healthy inside my body and keep going.”
Covid Thoughts
“It’ll be years before there is enough data to say if COVID is responsible for an increase in pregnancy loss. Nevertheless, it's been the chatter amongst OBGYNs for months.”
“I Wanted This Baby”
“And that entire time I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, ‘ I WANTED THIS BABY! I PRAYED FOR THIS BABY.’ But I sat in silence and cried.”
Termination for Medical Reasons Personal Story
A women’s TFMR story and how her experience was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with her having to do everything alone.