Hopeful During Holidays

Someone in one of our support groups recently asked, “A part of me is just hopeless when I think about the holidays. How do I stay hopeful during this time?”

At IWSTHAB, we believe that it is okay to feel like there is no hope sometimes. And it’s also normal to feel like everything will work out in the end, even if you’re feeling frustrated right now. Both emotions - being seriously hopeless and gleefully hopeful, are possible, even in the same moment. Allowing yourself to be conflicted, to feel whatever complexities you are experiencing, can help you navigate your relationships (with yourself, with others, and with G-d) - especially during this time of year when we are so focused on growth, change, endings, and beginnings.

But it’s also important to understand that your thoughts are distorted by layers of experiences that affect how you see the world. In other words, even if you feel hopeless, it doesn’t mean the situation is hopeless. Dissecting your hopeless emotions and figuring out what is behind them can help you see the cracks in your logic - and realize that hope and hopelessness can exist in the same space comfortably.

So as one year comes to a close, and you reflect on your empty womb and empty arms, it is okay to hold space for the sadness and disappointment while still looking forward to whatever the new year might hold.

And for those of you with a loved one who is still waiting for a miracle, do your best to be a solid anchor as they travel through this period. They are going to need your support now more than ever.


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