I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Emotions and Overwhelm

This is infertility.

This is the side of infertility you may not see.

The internal struggle to make it through cry day, every cycle, every event without breaking down.

It’s heavy and it’s real.

And I hear this sentiment from many of you - it’s so hard to be on this journey.

While it’s hard, I hope it’s not lonely. IWSTHAB will always be here for you.

We see you.

“How does one describe the depth of pain infertility brings?

How do I share what it’s like living with infertility and about the many aspects of my life

it affects?

How do I tell people about the tsunami of emotions that wreak havoc, causing me to physically feel sick from depletion and exhaustion?

How do I explain that every moment I’m functioning somewhat normally (to the outside world I look like I have it all together), that it’s a miracle?

And what about how much infertility affects the relationship with your husband?

No one talks about that either.

I feel so depleted that I have nothing left to give to him.

I wish I was able to be there more for him, yet I’m drowning in my own pain.

These emotions are so hard to put into words.

It’s exhaustion and fatigue of pushing through yet another day.

It’s a feeling of emptiness and numbness because

I’ve been disappointed so many times.

It’s crying spells and emotional outbursts when it gets to be too much.

It’s feeling like I’m falling apart.”