Living Proudly Is Revenge
Even if you can’t make Jewish babies, just living proudly exactly as you are is revenge enough. We are in this together. Everyone has their own contributions to make.
Growing From The Pain
Loss doesn’t have to “make you stronger.” You don’t have to “grow” from the pain. With loss, all there is to do is survive and make it through each day.
Voices after October 7
In this time after October 7th, we asked the IWSTHAB how they are feeling. We see you. We know the pain and emotions are real, raw, and even confusing right now. We are here for you.
After October 7 We Are Not Okay
We are terrified over what is happening in Israel right now. We know that so many of you are still in your own private hell...and trying to straddle your personal pain with the collective pain.
Infertility In War Time
We are hearing from so many of you living in Israel and abroad about how challenging it is to process the war in Israel right now along with your own infertility, losses and grief.
Fertility Struggles During Wartime
All about fertility struggles during wartime. Here is a tiny portion of the feelings we are holding right now. So many people are struggling, both in and out of the war zone.
“I Know There’s a War”
Life keeps moving even when the world seems to be crumbling around you. We see those of you struggling with balancing all these feelings and all the hurt.
World Feels So Unsafe
The world feels so scary, so dark, so lonely right now. I received this message and I had to share it with you all because I want you to know that if you feel the same way, that’s normal.
It's Okay to Feel Overwhelmed
Life was overwhelming and crazy and challenging before the crisis in Israel. It's a lot. And it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Take a breath. Rest. Reset. You can do this.
You Don’t Have To Be Thankful
Reminder: Just because this is the season of giving thanks, doesn’t mean that you have to be thankful. We just want to remind you that it's okay if you are not thankful for anything this year.
Responding To Invasive Questions
How To Respond To Invasive Questions.Swipe to read some ways you can respond when Bubby asks you “Nu… when are you going to give me a great-grandchild? You aren’t getting any younger!”
Surviving Thanksgiving
How To Survive Thanksgiving. The reality is that you can’t control others. What you can control is how you approach the situation and how you protect yourself.
Personal Story of Termination For Medical Reasons
Abbie Sophia’s personal story of IVF, loss, TFMR, and more. “Oh by the way I was supposed to have twins. I had to terminate one.”
Termination For Medical Reasons and Grief
“Why does no one talk about the grief one feels after terminating a child? I’ve been carrying it with me for years. All our friends and family knew were were having a spring baby.”
Mourning Termination For Medical Reasons with Twins
Abbie Sophia has been featured on this page before, talking about her infertility, loss and twin pregnancy. Now, she elaborates on her experience with termination.
Tell Me About Your Family
You might feel an instinct when meeting someone new to ask, “So, how many kids to you have?” or “Do you have kids?” 🚨DON’T🚨Try instead: “Tell me about your family.”
Cyber Monday
You desperately want to take advantage of all the sales, but yet... Whatever the reason, thinking about buying something feels triggering. We get it.
Chanukah: Light & Darkness
Thank you @theoutbackmama for these beautiful words about light, Chanukah, and loss. In memory of her son Matisyahu Maccabee born sleeping on the first Chanukah light 2021.
You Will Get Through This
No one thought there could possibly be a pure jug of oil left after the Greeks defiled the Temple. But there was. Here’s to surviving really hard things. Happy Chanukah.
Chanukah Emotions
Swipe to read this beautiful voice from the community about the profound impact of this community and how the sukkot holiday has impacted this follower.