Being a Carrier for a Genetic Disease
“People talk about infertility and pregnancy loss as reasons they don't have the family they dreamed of. I've never heard of anyone talk about the genetic carrier issue.”
“Our sex life totally changed when we found out we needed to do IVF/PGD to avoid the BRCA gene”
One of the things we hear over and over again is about the struggles many of you are experiencing about intimacy. Infertility and loss can change so many aspects about a relationship.
“Do we continue to do IVF and deal with all these failed procedures, or do I get pregnant naturally and abort?”
had one baby and was pregnant with another when we discovered we were both carriers for a severe and rare genetic condition. We decided to do IVF and have been unsuccessful for over two years now.
“I am a Carrier for a Genetic Abnormality Called a Robertsonian Translocation”
This story highlights the complexities and emotions that come with a genetic concern; handling the diagnosis, reimagining what your family will look like and dealing with the unknown of it all.
“My Daughter Has an Extremely Rare 3q Chromosome Duplication”
My daughter has an extremely rare 3q chromosome duplication which caused a heart defect, a spinal defect, a lung defect, and developmental delays.
Emotionally Dealing with Fertility and Genetic Concerns is Complex
Dealing with fertility and genetic concerns is complicated, it only makes sense that the emotions that come with it are complicated too. There is no right or wrong way to feel.
5 Reasons People Choose Not To "Do IVF"If They Have a Genetic Concern
Just doing IVF is not so simple for people with genetic concerns. Let’s talk about 5 reasons why someone may not choose to “do IVF” for genetic reasons.
Conversations Knowing You Are a Carrier For a Genetic Disorder
Knowing you are a carrier for a genetic disorder means many potentially uncomfortable conversations in your future. If it’s you, when do you tell a potential partner?