Open Letter to Friends & Family

"Things have been pretty rough around here lately. We have been going through (insert your own narrative here or keep this section vague) a lot, and I need to take a step back.

I hope you understand that just because I need some space, it doesn't mean that I don't care or think about you. I need this time to process and figure out how to manage everything that has been going on.

Thank you for always being there for me, but right now I just need a break - no expectations or pressure. It really feels reassuring, just knowing that you're out there, thinking about me and praying for me/us. It's that unspoken acceptance and unconditional support that gives me strength.

So thank you, for respecting what I need now. I will reach out when I'm ready.

Love so much.



It is Normal To…


Dearest Little Embryo