It is Normal To…

Everyone reacts to grief in their own way, and so many of you question whether "you're doing it right."

The answer is that only you know what you need. Only you know if something will be helpful or harmful to your psyche on that day or in that minute.

You may go to a friend's bris, or you may choose not to go. You may show up, but then decide to leave early. You may think you're not up for it, and then stay the whole time. You might get there and need to leave before you even take one step into the room.

This is normal in grief.

So please - give yourself some love as you try to wade through the waves of emotion.

And to everyone else - your loved one is NOT being flaky; They just don't know how they are going to feel or react to a situation. Give them the space, love and support to do whatever they need to do, in order to heal from this terrible tragedy.


Talking About My Baby


Open Letter to Friends & Family