I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Celebrating Mother’s Day

“Here I am dealing with infertility over 5 years. Pain and agony of tons of IVFs, ups and downs, therapy, and much more.

I realized, I should be celebrating Mother’s Day.

I’m a powerhouse. I’ve been through more things than some young mothers have been. I know it’s different and I’m sure raising a child is hard. Very hard. But I’ve done internal growth, worked on being courageous, independent, worked on my marriage, spent more money on IVF than a down payment, put on a happy face in front of parents, siblings, co-workers, friends, and more.

I care for my unborn child more than anything in the world. I’m doing the mitzva “peru urvu” (the commandment to be fruitful and multiply) to the max!

I. Am. A. Mother.

Not to a physical child, but in the larger sense. I will get there. I am working OVERTIME to become a mother.

Mother’s Day is to celebrate anyone caring for others, giving to others.

And I am that person.”