Infertility: Forever Waiting

“I'm forever waiting.
Waiting to have the money to continue with IVF.
Waiting to be set up with the right doctors.
Waiting, forever waiting.
When will I be able to release my breath? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m forever waiting for the chance to add to my family.

When will the time be right?
When will Hashem (G-d) hear me crying out to him in pain, calling to Him from the depths of my heart and soul?
Can He hear me?
I’m forever waiting.
Waiting is trying my patience.
Waiting is unbearable.
I feel like I’m forever waiting.
Waiting for that phone call that broke my heart and spirit.
And now, the waiting starts from the beginning.

Waiting for my body to heal.
Waiting for Covid-19 to end.
Waiting to see if my doctors office will slowly open up again.
I’m waiting, forever waiting.
I can feel it this time.
Something about this waiting period feels different.
Has Hashem (G-d) finally heard my pleas?
Will He release me from this waiting game?
Will I get the chance to release my breath
Waiting. I’m forever waiting.
But I know I'm not waiting alone.”


Celebrating Mother’s Day

